s3 request
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Amazon S3 Request node
Use the Amazon S3 Request node to connect to Amazon S3 (Amazon Simple Storage Service) and issue requests to create, retrieve, update, and delete objects.
Amazon S3 原則
您可以在訊息流程中使用Amazon S3 要求節點 ,將IBM® App Connect Enterprise 連接至Amazon S3 應用程式,並發出要求以建立、擷取、更新及刪除物件。 Amazon S3 原則會在 ...
Amazon S3 調降request 本身的收費…
2013年4月4日 — Amazon S3 的request 費用大幅調降:「Announcing New Lower Request Pricing for Amazon S3」。 PUT/LIST/COPY/POST 的部份調降50%,本來每千個 ...
2024年8月22日 — This package provides a presigner based on signature V4 that will attempt to generate signed url for S3.
Making requests
Send requests to Amazon S3 either anonymously or through authentication that verifies your identity to the service.
Amazon S3 允許HTTP 和HTTPS 請求。依預設,Amazon S3 會透過AWS 管理主控台、AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) 或HTTPS 提出請求。