
Samsung Galaxy S7 新功能:遊戲啟動器與Always on Display 介紹

三星在GalaxyS7/S7edge身上入了AlwaysOnDisplay與遊戲啟動器的新功能,前者可讓時間或日曆資訊隨時都出現在手機螢幕上;遊戲啟動器則整合了使用者玩遊戲時所需要的需求, ...

How the Always On Display of the Galaxy S7 and S7 edge Keeps ...

Always On Display (AOD) of the Galaxy S7 and S7 edge allows users to check the time and date with ease, and also keep an eye on missed calls ...

Samsung Galaxy S7 edge (G935A) - Always On Display

Always On Display allows you to view the clock, battery and missed phone call/message notifications when the screen is turned off . The Always On Display screen uses less power and also utilizes the proximity sensor to turn off completely when in a p

Always on Display for Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 edge receives ...

To update your Always on Display for these new features, you should go to Settings > Display > Always on Display > About Always on Display > ...

Does Samsung Galaxy S7 screen always stay on?

Go to Settings > Display > Always On Display. Alternatively, you can also swipe down the Notification shade to quickly access the Always On ...

如何在Galaxy S7S7 Edge 裝置上設定Always On Display 功能?

如何在Galaxy S7/S7 Edge 裝置上設定Always On Display 功能? · 1 進入「應用程式」後, 按「設定」 · 2 按顯示 · 3 按Always On Display · 4 按開關鍵開啟 ...

Tested: The Galaxy S7's always

One of the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge's great new features is the always-on display, which shows you the time, date, and select notifications ...

How to Turn On Always on Display on Samsung Galaxy S7 S7 Edge

You can turn your Always on Display from the notification area or going into settings then display. But from the display settings not only ...

How To Enable Always On Display Samsung Galaxy S7

Turn on always on display on the Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge and customize. Galaxy S7 Extended Battery Case https://amzn.to/2TjZzmz ...

[REQ] Always On Display from S7S7 EDGE

Under the accessibility menu there is a feature called always on. But it doesn't seem to do anything. Click to expand... Click to ...


三星在GalaxyS7/S7edge身上入了AlwaysOnDisplay與遊戲啟動器的新功能,前者可讓時間或日曆資訊隨時都出現在手機螢幕上;遊戲啟動器則整合了使用者玩遊戲時所需要的需求, ...,AlwaysOnDisplay(AOD)oftheGalaxyS7andS7edgeallowsuserstocheckthetimeanddatewithease,andalsokeepaneyeonmissedcalls ...,AlwaysOnDisplayallowsyoutoviewtheclock,batteryandmissedphonecall/messagenotificationswhenthescreenisturnedoff.TheAlw...