SAMBA MUSIC (Ballroom Dance)

TheSambaisanenergeticandlivelydancethatiscurrentlypopularinmanypartsoftheworld.Syncopatedrhythms,bouncingactions,androllinghipmovements ...,Theinternationalballroomversionofsambaisalively,rhythmicaldancewithelementsfromBraziliansamba.Itdifferscon...。參考影片的文章的如下:



The Samba is an energetic and lively dance that is currently popular in many parts of the world. Syncopated rhythms, bouncing actions, and rolling hip movements ...

Samba (ballroom dance)

The international ballroom version of samba is a lively, rhythmical dance with elements from Brazilian samba. It differs considerably from the original ...

Samba (Brazilian dance)

Samba no pé (literally, samba in the foot) is a solo dance that is commonly danced impromptu when samba music is played. The basic movement involves a ...


samba, ballroom dance of Brazilian origin, popularized in western Europe and the United States in the early 1940s. Characterized by simple forward and ...

What Is Brazilian Samba Dance?

The Samba dance was introduced by African people on arrival into Brazil in the 19th century. The dance is characterized by rapid rhythmic steps and a swaying, ...


TheSambaisanenergeticandlivelydancethatiscurrentlypopularinmanypartsoftheworld.Syncopatedrhythms,bouncingactions,androllinghipmovements ...,Theinternationalballroomversionofsambaisalively,rhythmicaldancewithelementsfromBraziliansamba.Itdiffersconsiderablyfromtheoriginal ...,Sambanopé(literally,sambainthefoot)isasolodancethatiscommonlydancedimpromptuwhensambamusicisplayed.Thebasicmovementinvolv...