2018年9月13日—HowtoaccessanduseAREmojiontheGalaxyNote8.Step1:Openthecameraapp,thentaptheStickersoption.Step2:TaptheCreateMyEmoji ...,2018年9月13日—ThishintedthatperhapsthedevicemightgettheAREmojifeaturethatdebutedwiththeGalaxyS9andisalsopresenton...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Galaxy Note 8 AR Emoji

2018年9月13日 — How to access and use AR Emoji on the Galaxy Note 8. Step 1: Open the camera app, then tap the Stickers option. Step 2: Tap the Create My Emoji ...

Galaxy Note 8 gets AR Emoji and Super Slow

2018年9月13日 — This hinted that perhaps the device might get the AR Emoji feature that debuted with the Galaxy S9 and is also present on the Galaxy Note 9.

How to use AR Emoji Sticker

2023年5月26日 — AR (Augmented Reality) Emoji is a feature that creates an animated version of you which can then be used to record your movements and facial ...


2018年9月26日 — live AR EMOJI isn't available, we only got Ar emoji stickers which isn't cool as the s9 Ar emoji. This is the same case for s8, s8+ & note 8.

Samsung Galaxy Note 8 gets Super

2018年9月13日 — Galaxy note 8 users will soon be able to use AR Emojis and 'Super Slow Motion' mode. Advertisement. Samsung has rolled out 'Super Slow Motion' ...

Samsung Galaxy Note 8 recebe atualização com AR ...

2018年9月13日 — Agora, uma atualização está sendo liberada para o Samsung Galaxy Note 8, trazendo esses recursos, o Super Slow-Motion e AR Emojis, para o ...

Turn yourself into an emoji on your Galaxy phone or tablet

Tap on either AR Emoji Camera or AR Emoji Studio. AR Zone in the Camera app. Follow the on-screen prompts to create your emoji and tap Next ...


2018年9月13日—HowtoaccessanduseAREmojiontheGalaxyNote8.Step1:Openthecameraapp,thentaptheStickersoption.Step2:TaptheCreateMyEmoji ...,2018年9月13日—ThishintedthatperhapsthedevicemightgettheAREmojifeaturethatdebutedwiththeGalaxyS9andisalsopresentontheGalaxyNote9.,2023年5月26日—AR(AugmentedReality)Emojiisafeaturethatcreatesananimatedversionofyouwhichcanthenbeusedtorecordyourmovementsandfacial ......