
SanDisk iXpand™ Drive on the App Store

評分 4.7 (86,446) · 免費 · iOS The iXpand Drive App1 makes it easy to back up, transfer and manage photos, videos and files between your iPhone, iPad and computers.

Sandisk iXpand flash drive usb 2

Your drive may require a firmware update. Information about this - along with other support resources - is available from the manufacturer here:.

[PDF] USER GUIDE iXpand™ Flash Drive

SanDisk rolls out regular app updates to constantly improve the user experience. When a firmware update is available and the drive is connected to an iPhone or ...

SanDisk iXpand™ Drive 5.3.15

Overview. SanDisk iXpand™ Drive is a Freeware software in the category Business developed by SanDisk. The latest version of SanDisk iXpand™ Drive is 5.3.15, ...

Updating the SanDisk iXpand drive using a Windows PC

To update the SanDisk iXpand firmware using a Windows PC, follow these steps: 1. Download the iXpand Update Tool for Windows PC.

iXpand Mini: Firmware Updater for Windows

For an optimal experience with your iXpand Mini, SanDisk recommends that you update your firmware with each new release. It's fast, easy, and free!

iXpand Mini

iXpand Mini · Support Videos · Quick Links · Software Downloads. Firmware Update Tool. Firmware Update Tool.

Steps to Update SanDisk iXpand USB Flash Drive Firmware

Go to the Downloads folder. Right-click the file. Select Run as administrator. Connect the drive to the USB port.

針對PC的iXpand USB3.0固件更新工具



評分4.7(86,446)·免費·iOSTheiXpandDriveApp1makesiteasytobackup,transferandmanagephotos,videosandfilesbetweenyouriPhone,iPadandcomputers.,Yourdrivemayrequireafirmwareupdate.Informationaboutthis-alongwithothersupportresources-isavailablefromthemanufacturerhere:.,SanDiskrollsoutregularappupdatestoconstantlyimprovetheuserexperience.WhenafirmwareupdateisavailableandthedriveisconnectedtoaniPhoneor .....