Genuine Windows 10 For $14?! Is It Legit?!

2017年5月8日—CalledemoutonitandtoldthemthatifIdidn'treceiveitin2hrs,Iwasgoingtogothroughpaypalandgetmy$back.Hadthekey ...,2018年4月14日—arethesewindowsactivationsiteslikeSCDkeylegit.justwantedtoaskthecommunityoramicrosoftemployeearekeysellingsite...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Anyone have experience buying from SCDKey

2017年5月8日 — Called em out on it and told them that if I didn't receive it in 2hrs, I was going to go through paypal and get my $ back. Had the key ...

are these windows activation sites like SCDkey legit

2018年4月14日 — are these windows activation sites like SCDkey legit. just wanted to ask the community or a microsoft employee are key selling sites legit and ...

Cdkeys isnt giving me the option to use paypal

2020年11月9日 — I want to buy a code but there isnt a option to paypal on checkout even though the site says i can use paypal...Can anyone help?

Is legit?

2018年4月11日 — Is legit? Thread starter Demani; Start date Apr 11 ... And since they make you pay with paypal, getting a refund will be difficult.


Yes. We accept all major debit and credit cards on We also accept PayPal and Crypto. Are my personal details and credit card details safe?

SCDKey PayPal support? — Knoji

2018年4月11日 — Yes. As of September 26, 2022, SCDKey does accept PayPal support. View the discussion thread for more details. Does SCDKey offer gift cards ...


SCDKey is a leading global digital gaming marketplace. Purchase discounted windows and office keys, game keys for Steam, Origin, Uplay, Xbox Live, PSN, ...

SCDkeys and SCDkey are different sites.

2018年12月23日 — I just found out that there are two different SCDkey sites: and (only the s is the difference) ... Paid with PayPal. CPU: ...

What payment methods do you support?

2023年6月7日 — Customers can securely checkout with PayPal, all major Credit/Debit cards, and Crypto Currencies. The available payment options will be...


2017年5月8日—CalledemoutonitandtoldthemthatifIdidn'treceiveitin2hrs,Iwasgoingtogothroughpaypalandgetmy$back.Hadthekey ...,2018年4月14日—arethesewindowsactivationsiteslikeSCDkeylegit.justwantedtoaskthecommunityoramicrosoftemployeearekeysellingsiteslegitand ...,2020年11月9日—Iwanttobuyacodebutthereisntaoptiontopaypaloncheckouteventhoughthesitesaysicanusepaypal...Cananyonehelp?,2018年4月11日—Issc...