Botanical names and pronunciation

4syllables:SY+uhn+TIF+ikNAYM.Testyourpronunciationonwordsthathavesoundsimilaritieswith'scientificname':scientifically ...,CommonName,LatinName,Pronunciation.'Accent'daffodil,Narcissus'Accent',nar-SIS-us.'AmazingRed'NewZealandFlax,Phormium'Amazing...。參考影片的文章的如下:


358 pronunciations of Scientific Name in English

4 syllables: SY + uhn + TIF + ik NAYM. Test your pronunciation on words that have sound similarities with 'scientific name': scientifically ...

Pronunciation Guide

Common Name, Latin Name, Pronunciation. 'Accent' daffodil, Narcissus 'Accent', nar-SIS-us. 'Amazing Red' New Zealand Flax, Phormium 'Amazing Red' ...

10. How to pronounce scientific names

How to pronounce scientific names. We are talking about names of species, genera, tribes, families, orders, classes, and phyla.

Sound dictionary

The IOU Spoken Guide for the Pronunciation of Scientific Bird Names How to pronounce bird names? Here, you can find the list of scientific bird names which ...

SCIENTIFIC | Pronunciation in English

SCIENTIFIC pronunciation. How to say scientific. Listen to the audio pronunciation in English. Learn more.

How To Pronounce is a crowdsourced audio pronunciation website that helps you learn how to say words, names and phrases contributed by native speakers.

Pronunciation of Scientific Names

Listen to the pronunciation of Latin botanical names, and you'll begin to pick up on its particular cadence or rhythm.

How to pronounce scientific name

Pronunciation of scientific name with 1 audio pronunciations. Listen scientific name pronunciation 1. 1 rating. Record the pronunciation of this word in your ...


4syllables:SY+uhn+TIF+ikNAYM.Testyourpronunciationonwordsthathavesoundsimilaritieswith'scientificname':scientifically ...,CommonName,LatinName,Pronunciation.'Accent'daffodil,Narcissus'Accent',nar-SIS-us.'AmazingRed'NewZealandFlax,Phormium'AmazingRed' ...,Howtopronouncescientificnames.Wearetalkingaboutnamesofspecies,genera,tribes,families,orders,classes,andphyla.,TheIOUSpokenGuideforthePronunci...