

Screencast Capture Lite is a tool for recording the desktop screen and saving it to a video file, preserving quality as much as possible.

Download Screencast Capture Lite 1.6.0

PlayOn Trial stream videos from your PC to your TV, Editor: rating. Users : no user rating. Monkeys Audio Free lossless music compression, Editor: rating

Download Screencast Capture Lite Portable

Portable Screencast Capture Lite is a software tool which provides a simple means of recording your on-screen activity, so as to create tutorials. Portability ...

Screencast Capture Lite

Free utility to continuously capture a computer's screen. · Simple interface · Capture models · Capture mouse and keyboard activity · Choose the best settings for ...

Screencast Capture Lite

Download Screencast Capture Lite 1.6 - Straightforward software that allows you to record a fixed region of the desktop, the entire primary screen, ...

Screencast Capture Lite 1.6 Free Download

Screencast Capture Lite is a free utility to continuously capture the computer screen. Free software. OS: Win File size: 87MB Portable version · Old versions

Screencast Capture Lite Alternatives

2022年9月8日 — The best Screencast Capture Lite alternatives are OBS Studio, ScreenRec and SimpleScreenRecorder. Our crowd-sourced lists contains more than ...

Screencast Capture Lite Portable

2013年2月24日 — Screencast Capture Lite is a tool for recording the desktop screen and saving it to a video file, preserving quality as much as possible.

Screencast Capture Lite screenshots

Screencast Capture Lite enables you to capture high quality (H624) video of your desktop activity and save the recording as AVI, MP4, MKV, MOV or M4V video ...


ScreencastCaptureLiteisatoolforrecordingthedesktopscreenandsavingittoavideofile,preservingqualityasmuchaspossible.,PlayOnTrialstreamvideosfromyourPCtoyourTV,Editor:rating.Users:nouserrating.MonkeysAudioFreelosslessmusiccompression,Editor:rating,PortableScreencastCaptureLiteisasoftwaretoolwhichprovidesasimplemeansofrecordingyouron-screenactivity,soastocreatetutorials.Portability ...,Freeutility...