Playing Secret of Mana! 3

Aninnovativecooperativemultiplayersystemallowsasecondorthird...SecretofMana(SNES).Square.Girl:ThisisGREAT!Ineedyourhelp!I ...,2008年3月17日—Onceyouhavetwoormorecharacters(about10minutesin),players2and/or3canjustpressstartandtakeoveroneoftheotherh...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Secret of Mana

An innovative cooperative multiplayer system allows a second or third ... Secret of Mana (SNES). Square. Girl: This is GREAT! I need your help! I ...

How do I play multiplayer? - Secret of Mana

2008年3月17日 — Once you have two or more characters (about 10 minutes in), players 2 and / or 3 can just press start and take over one of the other heroes.

Secret of Mana (SNES [Classics]) Co

The Co-Op Experience. Take control of one of the three main characters to hack and slash your way to save the Mana Tree (and thus, the entire world!)

Secret of Mana online multiplayer

2024年4月29日 — Play Secret of Mana online multiplayer on Super Nintendo emulator with RomStation. Voir moins ...

How different is playing Secret of Mana with two other ...

2024年1月25日 — It was designed for multiplayer to be possible, but the companion AI is incredible for when it was released. Most people played solo and the ...

How to play two player in secret of mana?

2023年1月16日 — The game starts as one player, but once you play a little bit and get a second party member, just hit start on the second controller, ...


Aninnovativecooperativemultiplayersystemallowsasecondorthird...SecretofMana(SNES).Square.Girl:ThisisGREAT!Ineedyourhelp!I ...,2008年3月17日—Onceyouhavetwoormorecharacters(about10minutesin),players2and/or3canjustpressstartandtakeoveroneoftheotherheroes.,TheCo-OpExperience.TakecontrolofoneofthethreemaincharacterstohackandslashyourwaytosavetheManaTree(andthus,theentireworld!),2024年4月29日—PlaySe...
