
Collection of Mana

Collection of Mana brings the first three titles in the seminal Mana series to the Nintendo Switch in an all in one package. The collection is an essential ...

Collection of Mana for Nintendo Switch

Final Fantasy Adventure/Mystic Quest and Secret of Mana are playable in English, French and German. Trials of Mana is playable in English, French, German and ...

Collection Of Mana Nintendo Switch Game

For the first time ever outside of Japan, play the third Mana game. Experience a unique journey as you select your hero and form a ferrous party!

Secret of Mana

It was included in the Collection of Mana release for the Nintendo Switch in Japan in June 2017 and North America in June 2019. Nintendo also re-released Secret ...

Secret of Mana on Steam

Originally released in 1993, Secret of Mana is by far the most popular title in the “Mana” series. Now it's finally getting a long-awaited, full 3D remake!

Secret of Mana, original or remake?

2023年12月14日 — Wanna play Secret of Mana and I see there are two options available for me. The original one on the Mana Collection for Switch and the 3D remake ...


Embark on an action-packed, worldwide adventure in the 3D remastered version of Secret of Mana. Take on the role of Randi, a young boy tasked with reviving ...


CollectionofManabringsthefirstthreetitlesintheseminalManaseriestotheNintendoSwitchinanallinonepackage.Thecollectionisanessential ...,FinalFantasyAdventure/MysticQuestandSecretofManaareplayableinEnglish,FrenchandGerman.TrialsofManaisplayableinEnglish,French,Germanand ...,ForthefirsttimeeveroutsideofJapan,playthethirdManagame.Experienceauniquejourneyasyouselectyourheroandformaferrousparty!,Itwas...