How To Block A Website Without Damaging Your Mac

SelfControlisafree,open-sourceapplicationthatletsyoublockyourownaccesstodistractingwebsites,yourmailservers,oranythingelseonthe ...,SelfControlisafreeandopen-sourceapplicationformacOSthatletsyoublockyourownaccesstodistractingwebsites,yourmailserv...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Download SelfControl for Mac

SelfControl is a free, open-source application that lets you block your own access to distracting websites, your mail servers, or anything else on the ...

FAQ · SelfControlAppselfcontrol Wiki

SelfControl is a free and open-source application for macOS that lets you block your own access to distracting websites, your mail servers, or anything else ...

Self Control

2017年5月15日 — A simple extension to keep you focused online.


SelfControl blocks distracting websites at a fairly low level on your machine. You can't just swap to a different browser, or edit a configuration block to get ...

Self-Control to Focus - Lite on the App Store

Get rid of online distraction/addiction by using a password you can't remember and stay offline for your study, your job and your life.


SelfControl is a free Mac app that helps you avoid distracting websites. Block your own access to websites or mail servers for a pre-set length of time.

SelfControlAppselfcontrol: :skull

SelfControl is a free and open-source application for macOS that lets you block your own access to distracting websites, your mail servers, or anything else on ...

The 8 best apps to help you focus and block distractions in ...

2023年10月20日 — Don't confuse website blocker apps with parental control software—that's not what they're for. ... Try this out if you're the self-sabotaging sort ...

在App Store 上的「Self-Control

2018年4月6日 — 請開啟Mac App Store 以購買和下載App。 Self-Control - 自我控制Lite 4+. Escape online distractions!!! WeHelp. 專為iPhone 設計. 免費. iPhone 截圖 ...


SelfControlisafree,open-sourceapplicationthatletsyoublockyourownaccesstodistractingwebsites,yourmailservers,oranythingelseonthe ...,SelfControlisafreeandopen-sourceapplicationformacOSthatletsyoublockyourownaccesstodistractingwebsites,yourmailservers,oranythingelse ...,2017年5月15日—Asimpleextensiontokeepyoufocusedonline.,SelfControlblocksdistractingwebsitesatafairlylowlevelonyourmachine.Youcan...