Self Restraint from Tucker Jones House - Review

Bottomline.SelfRestraintoffersasimpleyetefficientsoftwaresolutionforhelpingyoublockthedesiredwebpagesonthebreeze,andissuitableforrookies ...,2016年10月21日—Itfeelshollow,abunchofsignposts(classicsamples,smoothjazzsax,vaguevaporwavevibe)thatdon'tp...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Download SelfRestraint

Bottom line. SelfRestraint offers a simple yet efficient software solution for helping you block the desired webpages on the breeze, and is suitable for rookies ...

Gods Wisdom

2016年10月21日 — It feels hollow, a bunch of signposts (classic samples, smooth jazz sax, vague vaporwave vibe) that don't point anywhere. (It's maybe worth ...


SelfRestraint is a cross platform version of Steve Lambert's SelfControl, written in Python. It allows you to block distracting sites for a set amount of time, ...


由 EM Isley 著作 · 1991 · 被引用 20 次 — This article summarizes and critically analyzes the literature on self-restraint, particularly its identification, etiology, modification, and relationship to ...


2012年1月22日 — Download SelfRestraint for Windows to keep distracting Web sites at bay and stay focused.


2012年1月17日 — ... rating of 3 (2) 2 comments 52 alternatives. Suggest changes. SelfRestraint alternatives. What is SelfRestraint? If you find yourself constantly ...

The Joy of Missing Out: The Art of Self

In this refreshing book, bestselling Danish philosopher and psychologist Svend Brinkmann reveals the many virtues of missing out on the constant choices and ...


Bottomline.SelfRestraintoffersasimpleyetefficientsoftwaresolutionforhelpingyoublockthedesiredwebpagesonthebreeze,andissuitableforrookies ...,2016年10月21日—Itfeelshollow,abunchofsignposts(classicsamples,smoothjazzsax,vaguevaporwavevibe)thatdon'tpointanywhere.(It'smaybeworth ...,SelfRestraintisacrossplatformversionofSteveLambert'sSelfControl,writteninPython.Itallowsyoutoblockdistractingsitesfor...