Starting the Sentinel LDK License Manager

Sentinel®LDKRuntimeEnvironmentDEBInstallerforLinuxIntel(x86_64)andLinuxARM(x86andx86_64)underthesupportedUbuntuandDebianoperatingsystems ...,SentinelLDKisThales'sindustry-leadingsoftwareprotectionandlicensingsolution.Itprovidescuttingedgesecurity...。參考影片的文章的如下:



Sentinel® LDK Runtime Environment DEB Installer for Linux Intel (x86_64) and Linux ARM (x86 and x86_64) under the supported Ubuntu and Debian operating systems ...

Sentinel LDK

Sentinel LDK is Thales's industry-leading software protection and licensing solution. It provides cutting edge security technologies for the utmost in copy ...

Sentinel LDK

Стартовый комплект разработчика Sentinel LDK предназначен для защиты программного обеспечения от нелицензионного использования, копирования и пиратского ...

Sentinel LDK

Sentinel LDK (License Development Kit) 是一套成熟、完善的開箱即用型軟體許可與授權管理解決方案。從本機到雲端,從保護、許可執行到自動化管理和分發,Sentinel LDK ...

Sentinel LDK Enforcement

Sentinel LDK Enforcement - License Models · Execution Count License Model · Expiration Date License Model · Perpetual License Model · Time from First Use ...

Sentinel LDK v.7.5

Sentinel 开发人员锁为您的软件添加保护。 Sentinel 主锁用于生成许可证和订单。 Sentinel Vendor Suite 应用程序(Sentinel LDK Envelope、Sentinel LDK ToolBox 和.

Sentinel License Development Kit

Sentinel LDK is a fully loaded software development kit that helps you efficiently manage your software licensing and entitlements. After implementing LDK you' ...

Стартовый комплект Sentinel LDK

Sentinel LDK Envelope – утилита, позволяющая автоматически защитить любое готовое приложение всего за три клика мышкой. Sentinel EMS - система, которая ...

正新電腦代理國際知名資安產品Sentinel HASP軟體保護鎖ikey ...

檔案內容: Sentinel LDK and HASP Run-time Setup 9.13 可同時支援32bit/64bit Windows作業系統. Sentinel LDK. Sentinel LDK and HASP Run-time Command Line v9.13 ...


Sentinel®LDKRuntimeEnvironmentDEBInstallerforLinuxIntel(x86_64)andLinuxARM(x86andx86_64)underthesupportedUbuntuandDebianoperatingsystems ...,SentinelLDKisThales'sindustry-leadingsoftwareprotectionandlicensingsolution.Itprovidescuttingedgesecuritytechnologiesfortheutmostincopy ...,СтартовыйкомплектразработчикаSentinelLDKпредназначендлязащитыпрограммногообеспеченияотнелицензионногоиспользования,...