
Session Buddy

詳細資料 · 版本. 4.0.4 · 已更新. 2024年6月14日 · 回報疑慮 · 大小. 433KiB · 語言. English · 開發人員. 網站 電子郵件. [email protected].

Session Buddy

Session Buddy is a tab manager that allows you to save open tabs as collections that can be easily restored later. Great for freeing up memory and avoiding ...

dwarvesfsession-buddy: An ultra

An ultra-light Safari extension helps you save open tabs as collections that can be easily restored later - dwarvesf/session-buddy.

Session Buddy Discussion

A place for discussing Session Buddy ○ Suggest a feature ○ Report a bug ○ Ask a question... Mark all as read. Report group. 0 selected.

Session Buddy

The best tab management tool, save sessions, take snapshots, and quickly restore it.

Session Buddy v4

Session Buddy v4 is a complete application rewrite focused on replacing outdated technologies, ensuring continued browser compliance.

Session Buddy

Manage tabs and bookmarks with powerful organizational features. Session Buddy is community supported.

Chrome|Session Buddy – 超好用的網站分頁管理外掛

Session Buddy 是一款「儲存分頁」的擴充套件,在高容量記憶體普及的現在,大部分的電腦應該很少有記憶體容量短缺的問題,但是「針對上網習慣的不同,也會 ...


詳細資料·版本.4.0.4·已更新.2024年6月14日·回報疑慮·大小.433KiB·語言.English·開發人員.網站電子郵件[email protected].,SessionBuddyisatabmanagerthatallowsyoutosaveopentabsascollectionsthatcanbeeasilyrestoredlater.Greatforfreeingupmemoryandavoiding ...,Anultra-lightSafariextensionhelpsyousaveopentabsascollectionsthatcanbeeasilyrestoredlater-dwarvesf/session-buddy.,AplacefordiscussingSession...

IECookiesView 1.77 如何查看修改 IE 的 Cookies?

IECookiesView 1.77 如何查看修改 IE 的 Cookies?
