pc Shadow Warrior 2 影武者二中文第一關

ShadowWarrior2isa2016first-personshootergamedevelopedbyFlyingWildHogandpublishedbyDevolverDigital.Thegameisthesequelto2013'sShadow ...,《ShadowWarrior2》大多數任務都是共用同張地圖,所以在地圖種類多樣性上得到不太理想的成績,不過各張地圖的細節刻劃...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Shadow Warrior 2

Shadow Warrior 2 is a 2016 first-person shooter game developed by Flying Wild Hog and published by Devolver Digital. The game is the sequel to 2013's Shadow ...

【心得】《Shadow Warrior 2》劍走青,刀走黑,舉起你的刀劍面對 ...

《Shadow Warrior 2》大多數任務都是共用同張地圖,所以在地圖種類多樣性上得到不太理想的成績,不過各張地圖的細節刻劃都十分到位,綠意盎然的竹林會隨風 ...

Shadow Warrior 2

Shadow Warrior 2 is the stunning evolution of Flying Wild Hog's offbeat first-person shooter following the further misadventures of former corporate shogun ...

Save 90% on Shadow Warrior 2 on Steam

評分 4.5 (23,184) Shadow Warrior 2 is the stunning evolution of Flying Wild Hog's offbeat first-person shooter following the further misadventures of former corporate shogun Lo ...

Shadow Warrior 2 on Steam

Shadow Warrior 2 is the stunning evolution of Flying Wild Hog's offbeat first-person shooter starring the brash warrior Lo Wang, who must again wield a ...

Shadow Warrior 2

評分 4.1 (414) The Shadow Warrior 2: Bounty Hunt Part 2 content update delivers thirteen thrilling new missions, two spectacular new weapons, and three powerful new perks ...

購買Shadow Warrior 2

供應中 Shadow Warrior 2 is the stunning evolution of Flying Wild Hog's offbeat first-person shooter following the further misadventures of former corporate shogun ...

《影武者2 Shadow Warrior 2》已上市遊戲介紹

玩家將扮演帥氣又嘴賤的現代忍者Lo Wang,運用手上的武士刀和各種武器,將地獄的惡魔們一掃而空。 「巴哈姆特電玩瘋」由巴哈姆特製作、小嫻配音為每週 ...

在Humble Store 购买Shadow Warrior 2

供應中 評分 4.2 (406) Shadow Warrior 2 通过用于Windows 的Steam 提供。需要申请免费的Steam 账户。


《影武者2》(英語:Shadow Warrior 2,中國大陸譯作「影子武士2」)是2016年第一人稱射擊遊戲,由波蘭工作室Flying Wild Hog開發,Devolver Digital發行。


ShadowWarrior2isa2016first-personshootergamedevelopedbyFlyingWildHogandpublishedbyDevolverDigital.Thegameisthesequelto2013'sShadow ...,《ShadowWarrior2》大多數任務都是共用同張地圖,所以在地圖種類多樣性上得到不太理想的成績,不過各張地圖的細節刻劃都十分到位,綠意盎然的竹林會隨風 ...,ShadowWarrior2isthestunningevolutionofFlyingWildHog'soffbeatfirst-personshooterfollowingthefurthermisadventuresoff...