Shadow Warrior 2 Gameplay Demo - IGN LIVE

Aswithmostgamesintheactiongenre,ShadowWarrior2isrepetitive,butitintroducesmanydozensofvariednewweapons,andourfavorite ...,ShadowWarrior2(2016),評分4.5(23,184)ShadowWarrior2isthestunningevolutionofFlyingWildHog'soffbeatfirst-personshooterstarringt...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Shadow Warrior 2 review featuring Multi

As with most games in the action genre, Shadow Warrior 2 is repetitive, but it introduces many dozens of varied new weapons, and our favorite ...

Shadow Warrior 2 (2016)

Shadow Warrior 2 (2016)

Save 90% on Shadow Warrior 2 on Steam

評分 4.5 (23,184) Shadow Warrior 2 is the stunning evolution of Flying Wild Hog's offbeat first-person shooter starring the brash warrior Lo Wang.

Shadow Warrior : 電動遊戲

評分 3.5 (20) Shadow Warrior. 3.5 3.5 顆星,最高5 顆星 (20). Shadow Warrior ... 於在美國發表評論. As with Flying Wild Hog's previous title, Hard ...

Shadow Warrior 2 Review

評分 8.6/10 · Leif Johnson · Shadow Warrior 2's roughly 12-hour single-player and co-op campaign thrives on roomy, open zones that are accessible through quick-travel points on a world map.

Shadow Warrior 2

Coming to PC and consoles in 2016. Shadow Warrior 2 is the stunning evolution of Flying Wild Hog's offbeat ...


《影武者2》(英語:Shadow Warrior 2,中國大陸譯作「影子武士2」)是2016年第一人稱射擊遊戲,由波蘭工作室Flying Wild Hog開發,Devolver Digital發行。


影武者(英語:Shadow Warrior,中國大陸譯作「影子武士」)是第一人稱射擊 ... 續作《影武者2》於2016年發行;《影武者3》預定於2021年發行。 作品. 編輯 · 影武者 ...


Aswithmostgamesintheactiongenre,ShadowWarrior2isrepetitive,butitintroducesmanydozensofvariednewweapons,andourfavorite ...,ShadowWarrior2(2016),評分4.5(23,184)ShadowWarrior2isthestunningevolutionofFlyingWildHog'soffbeatfirst-personshooterstarringthebrashwarriorLoWang.,評分3.5(20)ShadowWarrior.3.53.5顆星,最高5顆星(20).ShadowWarrior...於在美國發表評論.AswithFlyingWildHog'sprevioustitle,Hard ...,...