
Shadow Warrior (1997 video game)

Shadow Warrior is a first-person shooter video game developed by 3D Realms and published by GT Interactive. The shareware version was released for the PC on ...

Shadow Warrior Classic

Shadow Warrior is a first-person shooter similar to Duke Nukem 3D as both use the Build engine. Players navigate the protagonist, Lo Wang, through three- ...

Shadow Warrior Classic (1997)

Strap on your combat sandals...Lo Wang is coming to the Land of the Rising Sun to turn out the lights. Experience total blood immersion. If you can't touch, ...

Shadow Warrior Classic (1997) on Steam

Strap on your combat sandals...Lo Wang is coming to the Land of the Rising Sun to turn out the lights. Experience total blood immersion. If you can't touch, ...

Shadow Warrior Classic Complete

Shadow Warrior Classic Complete · Shadow Warrior Complete includes the original Shadow Warrior and two expansions: Wanton Destruction and Twin Dragon.

Shadow Warrior Classic Redux

2017年5月19日 — 羅王,吉拉公司的傳奇影子武士,發現這種腐敗和被召喚黑暗的力量來幫助他的雇主在這個追求絕對權力。作為男人的榮耀,羅王誓言戰鬥這些惡魔勢力與爆炸性 ...

Shadow Warrior Classic的價格推薦- 2024年6月

Shadow Warrior Classic價格推薦共1筆商品。還有Womanizer classic、porter classic。現貨推薦與歷史價格一站比價,最低價格都在BigGo!

Steam 社群:

Shadow Warrior Classic (1997) - Strap on your combat sandals...Lo Wang is coming to the Land of the Rising Sun to turn out the lights.

Steam 社群:

The definitive version of the cult classic shooter, Shadow Warrior Classic Redux features remastered visuals and two massive expansion packs.


ShadowWarriorisafirst-personshootervideogamedevelopedby3DRealmsandpublishedbyGTInteractive.ThesharewareversionwasreleasedforthePCon ...,ShadowWarriorisafirst-personshootersimilartoDukeNukem3DasbothusetheBuildengine.Playersnavigatetheprotagonist,LoWang,throughthree- ...,Straponyourcombatsandals...LoWangiscomingtotheLandoftheRisingSuntoturnoutthelights.Experiencetotalbloodimmersion.Ifyoucan'ttou...