
How to share your WiFi password from your iPhone

First, connect the device that's sharing the WiFi password. Then, open WiFi settings on the device that's receiving the password. A window will ...

How to share your Wi

Sign into iCloud with your Apple ID. Then make sure that the email address you use for your Apple ID is saved in the other person's Contacts.

How To Share iPhone WiFi Password With Other iPhones

On your iPhone, go to “Settings” and tap on “Wi-Fi.” Connect to the WiFi network you want to share the password for. Ensure that you are already connected to ...

Sharing your WiFi password from your iPhone

Sharing your WiFi password from your iPhone · 1. Go to Settings > WiFi · 2. Navigate to the network you are currently connected to · 3. Tap on more info or, if ...

Easily Share Your Wi-Fi Password from Your iPhone

How to share Wi-Fi between iPhones · Open the Settings app · Select 'Wi-Fi' · Select the Wi-Fi network you want to connect to.

Learn How to Share Wi-Fi Password on iPhone Easily

Discover how to share your Wi-Fi password from iPhone to iPhone or to Mac, Android & other iOS devices quickly & securely.

How to Share Your WiFi Password On an iPhone

How to Share Your WiFi Password From an iPhone · On the iPhone sharing the WiFi password, open Settings. · Then tap WiFi and select your WiFi ...

How to share your Wi-Fi password on iPhone

You can share your Wi-Fi password with a friend directly from your iPhone, without having to remember your password or say it out loud.

How to share your Wi-Fi password | Apple Support

You can share your Wi-Fi password with a friend directly from your iPhone, without having to remember your password or say it out loud.


First,connectthedevicethat'ssharingtheWiFipassword.Then,openWiFisettingsonthedevicethat'sreceivingthepassword.Awindowwill ...,SignintoiCloudwithyourAppleID.ThenmakesurethattheemailaddressyouuseforyourAppleIDissavedintheotherperson'sContacts.,OnyouriPhone,goto“Settings”andtapon“Wi-Fi.”ConnecttotheWiFinetworkyouwanttosharethepasswordfor.Ensurethatyouarealreadyconnectedto ...,SharingyourWiFipassw...