

An error message is shown, stating that It was not possible to establish direct connection with the other peer. Regression range. Will see for a regression.

Is Sharedrop Down Today? Or Not Working Right Now?

Troubleshooting Instructions For Sharedrop Status · Open the Command Prompt by typing “cmd” in the Start menu search bar and selecting “Command Prompt“. · In ...

Issues · szimeksharedrop

Search code, repositories, users, issues, pull requests... · Provide feedback · Saved searches · Issues: szimek/sharedrop.


Can someone please explain to me why sharedrop does not work with VPN / TOR? ... - No mobile support (Tauri is working on it). I'm currently working on a paid WAN ...

Network machines not discovered · Issue #115

2021年4月26日 — When I open the website sharedrop.io, I can see only one person myself on each device. From what I read about, it seems that WebRtc has ...

P2P file transfer

ShareDrop is a peer-to-peer file sharing app powered by HTML5 WebRTC.


ShareDrop is a peer-to-peer file sharing app powered by HTML5 WebRTC ... Sharedrop does not work with VPNs, please deactivate any VPN a device might be using.

Snapdrop stopped working?

2022年12月4日 — 12 votes, 21 comments. I think their site is down but after hosting my own instance I still can't get the Android app to work?


Anerrormessageisshown,statingthatItwasnotpossibletoestablishdirectconnectionwiththeotherpeer.Regressionrange.Willseeforaregression.,TroubleshootingInstructionsForSharedropStatus·OpentheCommandPromptbytyping“cmd”intheStartmenusearchbarandselecting“CommandPrompt“.·In ...,Searchcode,repositories,users,issues,pullrequests...·Providefeedback·Savedsearches·Issues:szimek/sharedrop.,Cansomeonepleaseex...