Get your school involved in the Team Hope Christmas Shoebox ...

Ourshoeboxesarefullofcreative,colourfulandjoyfulgifts.Getsomeideasfromoursupporters.Fillerlist.WatchourShoeBoxAppealvideoshere.Main ...,Onthefaceofit,theSamaritan'sPurseOperationChristmasChildshoeboxappealisabenigninitiativetogivegiftstoneedychil...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Shoe Box Appeal

Our shoeboxes are full of creative, colourful and joyful gifts. Get some ideas from our supporters. Filler list. Watch our Shoe Box Appeal videos here. Main ...

Alternatives to the Samaritan's Purse shoebox appeal

On the face of it, the Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas Child shoebox appeal is a benign initiative to give gifts to needy children at Christmas time.


When you send a shoe box you are sending more than just a box full of useful and fun gifts; it's personal, a gift just for the person receiving it, ...

How To Pack A Shoebox

Decorate a shoebox about the size of an A4 piece of paper. If you want to wrap it, cover the box and lid separately.

shoebox appeal 2025

SHOEBOX APPEAL 2025. Each year we run a nationwide shoebox appeal to provide Christmas gifts to vulnerable children and families.

Christmas Shoebox Appeal

We run a nationwide shoebox appeal to provide shoeboxes full of gifts and essentials to vulnerable children and senior citizens in Romania for Christmas.

Rotary Shoebox Scheme

All schools, groups and organisations that wish to support our mission to spread a little happiness to disadvantaged children and adults in Eastern Europe.

Operation Christmas Child

It is a hands-on way for you to bless children in need across the world by filling shoeboxes with toys, personal care items, school supplies, and fun gifts.

How to fill a shoebox

Create your own shoebox. Our shoebox collections have now finished but you can still take part in the appeal by building a shoebox online today!

Christmas Shoebox Appeal FAQ

The Team Hope Christmas Shoebox Appeal is an annual campaign where thousands of people across Ireland donate shoeboxes filled with gifts for children ...


Ourshoeboxesarefullofcreative,colourfulandjoyfulgifts.Getsomeideasfromoursupporters.Fillerlist.WatchourShoeBoxAppealvideoshere.Main ...,Onthefaceofit,theSamaritan'sPurseOperationChristmasChildshoeboxappealisabenigninitiativetogivegiftstoneedychildrenatChristmastime.,Whenyousendashoeboxyouaresendingmorethanjustaboxfullofusefulandfungifts;it'spersonal,agiftjustforthepersonreceivingit, ...,Decora...