
Synology and RAID - How to Setup a Hot Spare

SHR, has been around for quite a while now, and though it has not made the big impact that Synology NAS' Btrfs file system has, it is still ...

SHR-2 vs. SHR w. hot spare : rsynology

if you do SHR w hot spare, you run the chance of corruption occuring during the RAID rebuild. SHR-2 helps prevent that given the odds ...

SHR with Hot Spare vs Raid 6 : rsynology

The time difference between using a hot spare and a cold spare is probably 12 hours at most, maybe a week if I'm on vacation. That's a pretty ...

本人正在用synology的ds423,4顆硬碟,(4666)運行shr,現想將其中 ...

郭耀仁. 已經做成SHR 的四顆硬碟,若要將其中一顆 6T 當作Hot Spare,需要將原本的四顆SHR 打掉,然後拿三顆做成 SHR,最後再把第四顆當Hot Spare. 1 mo.

Synology 硬碟故障更換含設定Hot Spare圖文教學

在左手邊選擇中選擇Hot Spare 標籤頁,並點選”管理”按鈕。 註:如果既有的Hot Spare 已經用掉將看不到任何硬碟。 Hot Spare 設定. 跳出Hot Spare 管理 ...

Hot Spare disks (Storage Manager)

The documentation lists the RAID types that are supported for Hot Spare. I use SHR-1 and this is omitted from the list ('i.e.' is used in the ...

【問題】raid 5 + hot spare 跟raid 6差在哪阿

raid6則是比較安全,因為raid6允許同時間內壞掉2個硬碟,但比較不方便的是,沒hot spare的硬碟,變成需要立即拆換硬碟,不然要是短時間內再壞第3顆硬碟,那也沒 ...

Hot Spare | DSM

Hot Spare. Hot Spare 硬碟為備援硬碟。當硬碟損壞而導致儲存集區降級時,Hot Spare 硬碟會自動替換故障硬碟,讓儲存集區可以進行修復並在更短的時間內恢復良好狀態。

NAS達人修鍊術: Synology DS916+入門到精通五部曲

當做hot spare, 容量不會增加, 但如果其他RAID 的硬碟故障, 它就會自動使用這顆硬碟rebuild. >> 上述兩種,若其中任一顆硬碟掛了,是否抽出故障碟,插入新的都可修復呢? 同前, ...


SHR,hasbeenaroundforquiteawhilenow,andthoughithasnotmadethebigimpactthatSynologyNAS'Btrfsfilesystemhas,itisstill ...,ifyoudoSHRwhotspare,yourunthechanceofcorruptionoccuringduringtheRAIDrebuild.SHR-2helpspreventthatgiventheodds ...,Thetimedifferencebetweenusingahotspareandacoldspareisprobably12hoursatmost,maybeaweekifI'monvacation.That'sapretty ...,郭耀仁.已經做成SHR的四顆硬碟,若要將其中一顆6T...