
Maximum NAS Performance SHR vs Raid10

2020年8月10日 — I've run some speedtests both on SHR and raid10 volumes using 4x 8TB Seagate Ironwolf drives (7200rpm) and here are the results.

Raid 10 vs SHR(raid5) on Synology NAS for VM Disks

2022年11月16日 — A Raid10 with 4*2 disks will probably have ~ four times better performance than a Raid5/SHR. This is just because in Raid5 those disks are ...

SHR (Synology Hybrid RAID) and ...

2024年8月19日 — SHR typically exhibits slower performance relative to RAID 0 and RAID 1 configurations. Nonetheless, it delivers speed comparable to that of ...

SHR Performance

Annual Review & Performance Report, SHR Performance, Tenant Satisfaction, KPI's Benchmarking, Complaints Analysis

SHR Performance, Sizing and Tuning Guide

Performance of SHR decreases if you reduce the collection interval. The collection interval for data collection from HP Performance Agent, Profile Database ...

SHR versus Raid performance

2021年5月24日 — SHR is an algorithm for creating multiple RAID groups in order to utilize the space most efficiently. It's not a proprietary disk layout.

Very SLOW SHR Volume Speed

2020年8月23日 — I am noticing that my SHR volume with 6 drives (2 SSDs, and 4 HDDs) and with a 1TB SSD read-only cache is very slow, especially when running a virtual machine.

What is Synology Hybrid RAID (SHR)?

SHR allows users to create a flexible storage solution with optimized capacity and performance. SHR is based on a Linux RAID management system and designed ...

什麼是Synology Hybrid RAID (SHR)?

2022年11月7日 — Synology Hybrid RAID (SHR) 是Synology 專門的自動化磁碟陣列(RAID) 管理系統,能同時最佳化容量及效能,讓使用者建立較具彈性的儲存方案。 SHR 是一套建立 ...


2020年8月10日—I'verunsomespeedtestsbothonSHRandraid10volumesusing4x8TBSeagateIronwolfdrives(7200rpm)andherearetheresults.,2022年11月16日—ARaid10with4*2diskswillprobablyhave~fourtimesbetterperformancethanaRaid5/SHR.ThisisjustbecauseinRaid5thosedisksare ...,2024年8月19日—SHRtypicallyexhibitsslowerperformancerelativetoRAID0andRAID1configurations.Nonetheless,itdeliversspeedcomparabletothatof ...,A...