Simple Note Quest WoW Classic

Manytribesclaimthatitisagifttobeblessedwiththeaptitudetousemagicortotalktoourancestors,butyoushouldknowthisaswell,, ...,2022年11月20日—Itgivesyouaquickandsimplenotepadeditingexperiencewhenyouwritenotes,memo,email,message,shoppinglistandtodolist.I...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Simple Note

Many tribes claim that it is a gift to be blessed with the aptitude to use magic or to talk to our ancestors, but you should know this as well, <class>, ...

Simple Notes

2022年11月20日 — It gives you a quick and simple notepad editing experience when you write notes, memo, email, message, shopping list and to do list. It makes to ...

Simple Note

This item is provided as an objective for [3] Simple Note from Grull Hawkwind in Mulgore. You must deliver it to Harutt Thunderhorn in Mulgore.


2019年10月12日 — Notepad is a simple tool to manage your personal ingame notes without having to use text files in your file system.

Character Notes

Character Notes allows you to set and manage notes on other player's characters. Notes are stored per realm so notes are shared across your characters on a ...

Sticky Note Addon?

2022年7月27日 — TL-DR: Is there an addon where I can put sticky notes with little messages on the top just as an overlay, similar to a hud element?

Simple Note - Item

Simple Note is a quest item needed for Simple Note. It is a quest reward. In the Items category. Added in Classic World of Warcraft. Always up to date.

Simple Note - Quest

Read the Simple Note and speak to Harutt Thunderhorn in Camp Narache. Relevant Locations: The entirety of this quest happens in Mulgore.

Simply Notes : Miscellaneous

2012年5月22日 — A very simple Notepad addon with an intuitive UI. You can store as many individual notes as you want; Your notes are available to all of ...


Manytribesclaimthatitisagifttobeblessedwiththeaptitudetousemagicortotalktoourancestors,butyoushouldknowthisaswell,, ...,2022年11月20日—Itgivesyouaquickandsimplenotepadeditingexperiencewhenyouwritenotes,memo,email,message,shoppinglistandtodolist.Itmakesto ...,Thisitemisprovidedasanobjectivefor[3]SimpleNotefromGrullHawkwindinMulgore.YoumustdeliverittoHaruttThunderhorninMulgore.,2019...