skyrim console gold
skyrim console gold

2015年3月20日—What'stheconsolecommandforgold?Igotahousemodbutitrequiresalmost10Kgoldtopurchasethedeed.,ConsoleCommandsareadebuggingtoolonlyavailabletoPCplayers,addingawiderangeoffunctionalitytothegame.OnEnglishkeyboards,thegravekey ...,Thispageli...

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Item Codes and Cheats

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Console command for gold? :: The Elder Scrolls V

2015年3月20日 — What's the console command for gold? I got a house mod but it requires almost 10K gold to purchase the deed.

Console Commands (Skyrim)

Console Commands are a debugging tool only available to PC players, adding a wide range of functionality to the game. On English keyboards, the grave key ...

Console Commands (Skyrim)Ingots

This page lists all Ingots. To receive the ingots you want, type the following in the console: Player.AddItem <#> is the actual item's ID and ...

Console Commands to Spawn Gold in Skyrim

Learn how to spawn gold with console commands! Skyrim's main form of currency is gold. Surprisingly, gold (the currency) can't be made from any form of golden ...

PC Console Command Cheats

Most Useful Skyrim Cheats ; Player.AddItem [item ID] [#], Add item to inventory. Example: player.additem f 100 adds 100 gold ; Player.SetLevel [#], Sets the ...

PSA for using the command console

2019年3月19日 — To give themselves 5000 gold. Here's a tip: When using the console, the leading zeroes on an item/spell/whatever ID are completely unnecessary!

Skyrim Console Commands List

2019年10月10日 — Our Skyrim Console Commands List features a bunch of cheats that you can use in-game! We're taking a look at how-to get gold, perks, ...


2015年3月20日—What'stheconsolecommandforgold?Igotahousemodbutitrequiresalmost10Kgoldtopurchasethedeed.,ConsoleCommandsareadebuggingtoolonlyavailabletoPCplayers,addingawiderangeoffunctionalitytothegame.OnEnglishkeyboards,thegravekey ...,ThispagelistsallIngots.Toreceivetheingotsyouwant,typethefollowingintheconsole:Player.AddItem<#>istheactualitem'sIDand ...,Learnhowtospawngoldwithconsoleco...