
Slack Pricing Guide 2024: Plans & Value

On September 1, 2022, monthly Slack Pro plans increased from $8 to $8.75 per user per month, and annual Pro plans went from $6.67 per user per month to $7.25.

Business+ Plan | Pricing

Introducing the Slack Business+ plan. $12.50 USD per active user per month billed annually. Or, $15 USD per active user per month, billed monthly. Sign ...

Slack Paid vs. Free

Learn the benefits of upgrading from a free Slack plan to a paid workspace, and compare our different plans to see which one is right for your team.

Pro Plan | Pricing

Pro plan: $7.25 USD per active user per month billed annually. Or, $8.75 USD per active user per month, billed monthly.


起價:US$0.00 8.754.38 美元/月. 每位使用者每月7.25 美元(年繳). 每位使用者每月的費用(月繳) ... 在Slack 中共用的每個訊息、檔案和對話都會儲存下來且可供全面搜尋,因此你可找到需要的 ...


$15 USD/mo. $12.50 USD per user / month, when paying annually. per user / month, when paying monthly · Unlimited message history · Unlimited app integrations. Paid vs. Free · Nonprofit organizations · Marketing · Education discount

Business+ 方案| 定價

適合所有企業,服務從不間斷。 介紹Slack Business+ 方案。 12.50 美元(每位上線使用者每個月的費用,以年計費)。或是,15 美元(每位上線使用者每個月的費用,以月計費)。

Confused about Slack pricing with community building as the goal!

The cost of $8.75 per user per month for the Pro plan means if we have 10K members in the Slack community we will end up paying $87500 per month ...

Slack 定價

Slack 定價 · 通過Sales Cloud 和Slack 引入一種銷售和獲勝的新方式。 · 選擇適合您的業務需求的Sales Cloud 版本。 · 比較版本和主要功能。 · 準備好採取進一步行動了嗎?


OnSeptember1,2022,monthlySlackProplansincreasedfrom$8to$8.75peruserpermonth,andannualProplanswentfrom$6.67peruserpermonthto$7.25.,IntroducingtheSlackBusiness+plan.$12.50USDperactiveuserpermonthbilledannually.Or,$15USDperactiveuserpermonth,billedmonthly.Sign ...,LearnthebenefitsofupgradingfromafreeSlackplantoapaidworkspace,andcompareourdifferentplanstoseewhichoneisrightforyourteam.,Proplan:$7.2...