How to Use SlideShare for Marketing




SlideShare is an American hosting service, now owned by Scribd, for professional content including presentations, infographics, documents, and videos.


Keep your documents online. Move your documents and presentations to your LinkedIn Profile or Page to reach an even larger community of professionals.

Uploading content to SlideShare

To upload from your local files: · Sign in to SlideShare · Click “Upload” in the upper right corner of your homepage · Click “Select documents ...

Embed Slideshare

By using the integrated Slideshare app in Strikingly sites, you can share content with your audience just by embedding your presentation. Here's how!

What is LinkedIn SlideShare and how you can use it (1)

SlideShare is an online slide hosting service, owned by LinkedIn, where users can upload and publicly or privately share tutorials and ...

(PDF) SlideShare

It allows users to share presentations, infographics, documents, videos, pdfs, and webinars and features over 18 million up- loads in 40 content categories.


Discover, Share, and Present presentations and infographics with the world's largest professional content sharing community. Upload · Login · About

Share & Discover Presentations

Discover, Share, and Present presentations and infographics with the world's largest professional content sharing community.




SlideShareisanAmericanhostingservice,nowownedbyScribd,forprofessionalcontentincludingpresentations,infographics,documents,andvideos.,Keepyourdocumentsonline.MoveyourdocumentsandpresentationstoyourLinkedInProfileorPagetoreachanevenlargercommunityofprofessionals.,Touploadfromyourlocalfiles:·SignintoSlideShare·Click“Upload”intheupperrightcornerofyourhomepage·Click“Selectdocuments ...,Byusingthein...