
GIF image compressor for the smallest file size at best quality

This GIF image compressor shrinks your image to the smallest file size and best quality possible to use as avatar, discord emoji or ad banner. Made in Germany.

Animated image resizer

Simple and free tool to resize (scale) animated images online. Resize animated GIF, WebP, APNG, AVIF images without losing the animation and quality.

Animated GIF optimizer and compressor

This tool reduces GIF file size by decreasing the number of colors in each frame. Each GIF frame can use up to 256 unique colors, and by reducing this number, ... Repair corrupted GIF file · JPG optimizer · PNG optimizer · WebP optimiz

GIF Compressor

Is your GIF too big? Try our free GIF compressor. Compress multiple files at once, each up to 50MB.

GIF Compressor | Reduce GIF File Size with Ease

Our GIF compressor automatically reduces file sizes by optimizing colors, compressing, and adjusting transparency while keeping your GIFs looking great.

5 Best Ways to Compress GIF Images Without Losing Quality

First, try reducing the number of colors, as GIFs are limited to 256 colors. Reducing the color count can significantly shrink file size without ...

GIF Compressor | Compress GIF Animations Online

A fast online GIF compressor to reduce GIF file size. Our GIF optimizer uses lossy compression and other strategies to reduce GIF size by up to 60%

Compress your GIF & animated GIFs in seconds for free!

Compress GIF with the best quality and compression. Reduce the filesize of many animated and non animated GIF images at once.

How to compress GIF file size for export without losing the quality

If you resize your gif 50% width while keeping aspect ratio, it will almost reduce file size to 1/4 of original file coz. Other options are ...

Compress GIF | Reduce GIF Image File Size Online

評分 4.7 (17,361) Online GIF compressor lets you reduce GIF image size for free. Select output file size, framerate or quality to get the best compression and quality.


ThisGIFimagecompressorshrinksyourimagetothesmallestfilesizeandbestqualitypossibletouseasavatar,discordemojioradbanner.MadeinGermany.,Simpleandfreetooltoresize(scale)animatedimagesonline.ResizeanimatedGIF,WebP,APNG,AVIFimageswithoutlosingtheanimationandquality.,ThistoolreducesGIFfilesizebydecreasingthenumberofcolorsineachframe.EachGIFframecanuseupto256uniquecolors,andbyreducingthisnumber, ...Re...