all smbx cheats 3

Becauseyouallaskedforit!Twitter:, ...,donthurtme:Makesyouinvincible(Godmode).wingman:Makesflyingpower-upsandYoshisflywithoutlimits.sonicstooslow:Makestheplay...。參考影片的文章的如下:



Because you all asked for it! Twitter: Collab Channel: April Fools, ...

SMBX Cheats and Hints

donthurtme: Makes you invincible (God mode). wingman: Makes flying power-ups and Yoshis fly without limits. sonicstooslow: Makes the player run really fast.

SMBX 38A exclusive cheat codes - WohlSoft

illparkwhereiwant(LevelSelect=True?) imtiredofallthiswalking(LevelSelect=True?) needashell fairymagic iceage istillplaywithlegos itsrainingmen

SMBX Cheat Codes list - New Super Mario Bros. X

These cheat codes spawn an item into the player's hands for use in the level. firemissiles - Player holds a Billy Gun. boingyboing - Player ...

Cheats of Super Mario Bros. X - Game Engine Wikia

Hand Cheats · boingyboingy: Spawns a springboard in your hands. · bombsaway: Spawns a bomb in your hands. · firemissles: Spawns a Bullet Bill in your hands.

SMBX Cheat Code Index - General

Here is a list of all the cheats of SMBX. While in the game, type one of these codes to apply it. The SMBX window must be activated, ...

Super Mario Bros. XCheats - Codex Gamicus

imtiredofallthiswalking - Opens all paths on World Map. anothercastle - Changes you to Toad. illparkwhereiwant - Lets you walk around the world map freely.

Super Mario Bros X+11

Debug Cheats -Shadowstar Cheat - Lets you walk through walls and ceilings -Donthurtme Cheat - Makes the player invincible -Ahippinandahoppin - Infinite Jumps

The Super Mario Bros. X Cheat Code Guide

Super Mario Bros. X Cheat Code Guide In order to activate these cheat codes, you must simply type them in while playing the game.

Cheats codes list in SMBX - New Knuckles96 SMBX

This is the list of cheats Super Mario Bros. X, these codes serve to be able to cheat in the game. Level Cheats


Becauseyouallaskedforit!Twitter:, ...,donthurtme:Makesyouinvincible(Godmode).wingman:Makesflyingpower-upsandYoshisflywithoutlimits.sonicstooslow:Makestheplayerrunreallyfast.,illparkwhereiwant(LevelSelect=True?)imtiredofallthiswalking(LevelSelect=True?)needashellfairymagiciceageistillplaywithlegositsraining...