AllPUBGteams.SOLO.SOLOlogo.SOLO.Country,RussianFederation.Ranking,–.Matches,48/93.WinRate,2%/1%.Currentstreak,–.Recordwinstreak,1 ...,2024年4月22日—ThePeaceEliteSuperCupisaPeacekeeperElitetournament,aChineserebrandedversionofPUBGMobile.,2019年1月...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Team SOLO PUBG, roster, matches, statistics

All PUBG teams. SOLO. SOLO logo. SOLO. Country, Russian Federation. Ranking, –. Matches, 48 / 93. Win Rate, 2% / 1%. Current streak, –. Record win streak, 1 ...

Peace Elite Super Cup 2021

2024年4月22日 — The Peace Elite Super Cup is a Peacekeeper Elite tournament, a Chinese rebranded version of PUBG Mobile.

How to play solo or squad in PUBG Mobile

2019年1月8日 — U can go on the bottom left and choose solo (one man buttons) or u can play duo/squad but turn auto matching off so u will be alone.

PUBG Solo Mode

2023年6月4日 — solo is great for farming daily survival minutes chests. drop into a random compound in the middle of the map, loot for a minute and sit in a ...


AllPUBGteams.SOLO.SOLOlogo.SOLO.Country,RussianFederation.Ranking,–.Matches,48/93.WinRate,2%/1%.Currentstreak,–.Recordwinstreak,1 ...,2024年4月22日—ThePeaceEliteSuperCupisaPeacekeeperElitetournament,aChineserebrandedversionofPUBGMobile.,2019年1月8日—Ucangoonthebottomleftandchoosesolo(onemanbuttons)orucanplayduo/squadbutturnautomatchingoffsouwillbealone.,2023年6月4日—soloisgreatforfarmingdailys...