Amy Mania!?

TheAmyDollisanenemythatappearsintheSonictheHedgehogseries.Itisamass-produced,doll-basedBadnikmodelcreatedbyDr.Eggman,andmodeledafter ...,ThisisamodthataddsAmyintoSonicMania.PlusDLCisrequiredtoplaythismod,asAmyisoverMighty.However,adecompportofthe...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Amy Doll | Sonic Wiki Zone

The Amy Doll is an enemy that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. It is a mass-produced, doll-based Badnik model created by Dr. Eggman, and modeled after ...

Amy in Sonic Mania [Sonic Mania] [Works In Progress]

This is a mod that adds Amy into Sonic Mania. Plus DLC is required to play this mod, as Amy is over Mighty. However, a decomp port of the mod (where Amy is her ...

AMY MANIA 2020 :

This is a mod that aims to bring Amy (or Rosy) into Sonic Mania Plus created by troopsushi & CodenameGamma. Plus DLC is required to play this mod, as Amy is ...

Amy Rose - Steam 社群:: :

2017年8月29日 — Steam 社群: Sonic Mania. With the release of Sonic Mania, I decided to draw some fanart for the game because, why not lol?

GitHub - KiaraGaleSonic-Mania-Decomp-Extra-Slot

Amy collects Time Stones instead of Chaos Emeralds. This is purely cosmetic, meaning Amy can still turn Super (referred to as Miracle in-game) and obtains the ...


TheAmyDollisanenemythatappearsintheSonictheHedgehogseries.Itisamass-produced,doll-basedBadnikmodelcreatedbyDr.Eggman,andmodeledafter ...,ThisisamodthataddsAmyintoSonicMania.PlusDLCisrequiredtoplaythismod,asAmyisoverMighty.However,adecompportofthemod(whereAmyisher ...,ThisisamodthataimstobringAmy(orRosy)intoSonicManiaPluscreatedbytroopsushi&CodenameGamma.PlusDLCisrequiredtoplaythismod,asAmy...