Xperia Z5 Premium Revisited

評分4.0·WhatHi-Fi?·Pros·Sharpscreenwith4Kcapability·Vibrantbutbalancedcolourpalette·Detailed,punchyaudio·Fastperformance·Goodfingerprint ...,Full-resolutionphotosfrommycamerawerecrisperthanI'deverseenbefore.That'snothyperbole,either;themonitorIus...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Sony Xperia Z5 Premium review | What Hi

評分 4.0 · What Hi-Fi? · Pros · Sharp screen with 4K capability · Vibrant but balanced colour palette · Detailed, punchy audio · Fast performance · Good fingerprint ...

The Xperia Z5 Premium's UHD screen broke my heart

Full-resolution photos from my camera were crisper than I'd ever seen before. That's not hyperbole, either; the monitor I use to edit photos has ...

Sony Xperia Z5 Review by mark2410 - Head

As a Phone: Great. Calls were good, the screen was great, the CPU and GPU were both very zippy. Not to mention the UI that Sony have twigged, ...

Sony Xperia Z5 Premium review

評分 7.4/10 · Andrew Lanxon · Sony's Xperia Z5 Premium has a gorgeous, pin-sharp screen, it's powerful, packs a solid camera and won't die when you spill your drink on it.

Sony Xperia Z5 Premium review: Premium Definition

Sony Xperia Z5 Premium is the first smartphone to feature a 4K display or UHD as it's also known. To be more specific it utilizes a 5.5 IPS ...

Sony Xperia Z5 Premium review

評分 4.0 · James Peckham · The Xperia Z5 Premium has received a lot of hype for its headline 4K display, but a lot of other features need to be present and correct if this phone is to ...

Sony Xperia Z5 Premium Review - Reviews

Amy Davies reviews the Sony Xperia Z5 Premium with a 5.5inch 4K Ultra HD screen, 23 megapixel camera and 4K video recording.

Sony Xperia Z5 Premium review

評分 3.0 · Alan Lu · The eight-core Snapdragon 810 processor and 3GB of memory sped through our benchmarks and we didn't see any problems with the responsiveness of ...

Sony Xperia Z5 Premium review: Premium Definition

Don't know how much it costs where you live but here the Z5 premium is $700 vs $620 for the Z5, so not that much more expensive IMO.


評分4.0·WhatHi-Fi?·Pros·Sharpscreenwith4Kcapability·Vibrantbutbalancedcolourpalette·Detailed,punchyaudio·Fastperformance·Goodfingerprint ...,Full-resolutionphotosfrommycamerawerecrisperthanI'deverseenbefore.That'snothyperbole,either;themonitorIusetoeditphotoshas ...,AsaPhone:Great.Callsweregood,thescreenwasgreat,theCPUandGPUwerebothveryzippy.NottomentiontheUIthatSonyhavetwigged, ...,評分7.4/10...