

Soribada (Korean: 소리바다) was the first Korean peer-to-peer file-sharing service, launched in 2000 by Sean Yang.

Soribada Inc Chart (053110)

Access our live advanced streaming chart for Soribada Inc. This unique area or candle chart enables you to clearly notice the movements of ...

BTS Charts & Translations on X

Soribada Chart will be removed from iChart starting today (2nd) due to a low number of listeners. It may be included again in the future if ...

Soribada will be removed from the iCharts due to a declining user ...

It's a new platform created in 2019. It's the third biggest streaming service in south korea now, behind melon and genie.

Does anyone still use Soribada? : rkpophelp

Does anyone in Korea still use Soribada, and is that chart still considered for PAKs? On that note, which charts do you need a #1 on to get a RAK or PAK?


Soribada · B.A.P, BTOB, And MONSTA X Confirmed To Join Lineup Of Soribada's First Awards Show · Music Platform Soribada To Hold Its First Ever Music Awards Show.


인기차트 ; 1 · 이제 나만 믿어요 ; 2 · 이제 나만 믿어요 (Piano by 조영수) ; 3 · 바램 ; 4 · 어느 60대 노부부이야기 ; 5 · 계단말고 엘리베이터 ...


인기차트 ; 1 · 내일은 미스터트롯 우승자 특전곡 · 이제 나만 믿어요 ; 2 · 이제 나만 믿어요 (Piano by 조영수) · 이제 나만 믿어요 (Piano by 조영수) ; 내일은 미스터트롯 ...

Kpop Charts on X: Soribada Realtime Chart: https

Soribada Realtime Chart ... Soribada Realtime Chart: Image. 1:25 PM · Apr 17, 2020. 8.


Soribada(Korean:소리바다)wasthefirstKoreanpeer-to-peerfile-sharingservice,launchedin2000bySeanYang.,AccessourliveadvancedstreamingchartforSoribadaInc.Thisuniqueareaorcandlechartenablesyoutoclearlynoticethemovementsof ...,SoribadaChartwillberemovedfromiChartstartingtoday(2nd)duetoalownumberoflisteners.Itmaybeincludedagaininthefutureif ...,It'sanewplatformcreatedin2019.It'sthethirdbiggeststreami...