
Sound Amplifier

Sound Amplifier is an accessibility mobile application developed by Google for the Android operating system. It acts like a hearing aid using internet and ...

Sound Amplifier

評分 3.7 (81,585) · 免費 · Android Use Sound Amplifier to filter, augment, and amplify sounds around you and on your device. Features • Reduce unwanted noise to recognize speech better. • Focus ...

Sound Amplifier - APK Download for Android

評分 4.8 (11) · 免費 · Android Sound Amplifier makes everyday conversations and surrounding sounds more accessible among people who are hard of hearing, using just your Android phone and ...

Sound Amplifier APK for Android

評分 10/10 (3) · 免費 · Android · Loud and clear. Google Sound Amplifier is an app that is capable of enhancing sound and audio by reducing background noise.

Sound Amplifier for Android

評分 4.0 (6) · 免費 · Android Sound Amplifier is an app that improves your Android device's microphone audio when using headphones. This app amplifies quiet sounds, allowing you to enjoy ...

Sound Amplifier: Amplify surrounding speech and on

On your Android device, download Sound Amplifier from Google Play. Connect headphones to your Android device. Go to the Apps section. Tap the Sound Amplifier ...

Voice and sound amplifier app to Android : rHearingAids

It's called Sound Amplifier, it's made by Google and it's very very good, no delay and great noise cancellation. But do yourself a favour and ...

Introduction to Sound Amplifier

... hearing, using just your Android phone and a pair of headphones ... Google Sound Amplifier Review: Can an app turn your phone into a hearing aid?


SoundAmplifierisanaccessibilitymobileapplicationdevelopedbyGooglefortheAndroidoperatingsystem.Itactslikeahearingaidusinginternetand ...,評分3.7(81,585)·免費·AndroidUseSoundAmplifiertofilter,augment,andamplifysoundsaroundyouandonyourdevice.Features•Reduceunwantednoisetorecognizespeechbetter.•Focus ...,評分4.8(11)·免費·AndroidSoundAmplifiermakeseverydayconversationsandsurroundingsoundsmoreaccess...