
Sound too low...any free sound booster programs for Win8?

I've been looking for a free (not free trial) sound booster program for Win 8, but I haven't come across anything. I have tried Softonic, but nothing every ...

Windows 8 sound is low

The quickest way to change the volume for your computer speakers is to click the Speakers button in the notification area of the taskbar, and then move the ...

Letasoft Sound Booster

Letasoft Sound Booster integrates with Windows to install a new audio processing object and amplifies sound in real time. It requires no manual tweaking, extra ...

Sound Booster

評分 2.6 (25) · Sound Booster, free download for Windows. Program that boosts the volume of your PC's audio output beyond its default limit.

Windows 7 8 tool for amplifying sound equivalent to pavucontrol?

The best way to boost your volume isn't by turning it up to 11. You'll get much better control out of using a compressor/limiter in combination with boosting ...

Download FxSound

FxSound software. Get better sound. Free software to boost sound quality, volume, and bass. Including an equalizer, effects, and presets for customized audio.


On this page, you can download and install the latest version of Sound Booster. Please review the minimum system requirements before downloading.

How can I increase the volume in Windows 8?

- **Windows**: Click on the speaker icon in the system tray (bottom-right corner), then use the slider to increase the volume. For additional ...

Sound Booster Download -

評分 3.9 (521) · Operating System: Windows 11 / 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP, 32 & 64 bit ... Free open-source software to boost sound quality, volume, and bass.

How to Boost Windows 10, 8, 7 Volume for Free

... computer volume above the maximum. I will provide two solutions the first method uses windows inbuilt sound booster. If that is not enough ...


I'vebeenlookingforafree(notfreetrial)soundboosterprogramforWin8,butIhaven'tcomeacrossanything.IhavetriedSoftonic,butnothingevery ...,ThequickestwaytochangethevolumeforyourcomputerspeakersistoclicktheSpeakersbuttoninthenotificationareaofthetaskbar,andthenmovethe ...,LetasoftSoundBoosterintegrateswithWindowstoinstallanewaudioprocessingobjectandamplifiessoundinrealtime.Itrequiresnomanualtweaking,...