
Building the Simplest, Best Sounding, Yet Most Inefficient Audio Amp!

In this project I will be showing you how to create a class A audio amp. The great thing about such amps is that they only require a few components and sound ...

Simple Stereo Amplifier : 4 Steps

Simple Stereo Amplifier · 1) Put the chips in. · 2) Put in the polyester caps as shown. · 3) Plug in the jumpers from pin 2 to pin 4 on each chip. · 4) Attach ...

Cardboard Sound Amplifier : 7 Steps

Cardboard Sound Amplifier · Step 1: Gather Materials · Step 2: Cutting · Step 3: Make the Base · Step 4: Add Support · Step 5: Extra Distance · Step 6: Paint.


It's Time to Make Some nice amplifier which has nice audio quality with very low distortion and simple and quite easy to make because a circuit is very simple.

Audio Amplifier With the LM386! : 4 Steps (with Pictures)

The LM386 is capable of driving a vast array of speakers, and is very suitable for microcontrollers such as Arduino UNO or RaspberryPi.

Sound Amplifier : 3 Steps

Step 1: We research and view a few past prototype examples that use materials like paper cups and cut out milk bottles that can allow sound to amplify.

Simple Audio Amplifier Using Single Transistor

Simple Audio Amplifier Using Single Transistor · Step 1: Components Required · Step 2: Circuiting · Step 3: Circuit Construction and Testing · 1 Person Made ...

How to Make an Easy Audio Amplifier : 6 Steps

How to Make an Easy Audio Amplifier · Step 1: Components and Materials · Step 2: The Circuit · Step 3: The Trick · Step 4: The Connections · Step 5: Final ...

Make Your First Serious Amplifier

It took me about 32 hours to build the amp and power supply. In this Instructable, I'll describe how I made the power supply and amplifier.

Tales From the Chip: LM386 Audio Amplifier

Building a basic functional circuit for the LM386 is dead easy. The schematic is a mono amplifier, so if you wanted to amplify a stereo signal you'd need two of ...


InthisprojectIwillbeshowingyouhowtocreateaclassAaudioamp.Thegreatthingaboutsuchampsisthattheyonlyrequireafewcomponentsandsound ...,SimpleStereoAmplifier·1)Putthechipsin.·2)Putinthepolyestercapsasshown.·3)Pluginthejumpersfrompin2topin4oneachchip.·4)Attach ...,CardboardSoundAmplifier·Step1:GatherMaterials·Step2:Cutting·Step3:MaketheBase·Step4:AddSupport·Step5:ExtraDistance·Step6:Paint.,It'sTimet...