Mellow Tone Amps #03

WehaveafewoftheF6PCBsandcompletionkitsleft.EachkitincludeseverythingyouneedtoassembleonepairofF6amplifierboards!Learnmore ...,WestockawiderangeofelectronickitsincludingmanydesignedandmanufacturedhereintheUKbyus,andarangeofSparkFunand ...,評分4.8(...。參考影片的文章的如下:


The diyAudio Store

We have a few of the F6 PCBs and completion kits left. Each kit includes everything you need to assemble one pair of F6 amplifier boards! Learn more ...

Amplifier Kits

We stock a wide range of electronic kits including many designed and manufactured here in the UK by us, and a range of SparkFun and ...

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NE5532 Amplifier Kit Stereo Preamplifier Volume Control Board with Treble Midrange and Bass Tone Controls DIY Kit Preamp Module

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Velleman 2x5 Watt Amplifier for Portable Audio Player Kit 6-14VDC/1A by Whadda. Part no.: 2196588; Manufacturer: Velleman; Manufacturer no.: WSAH190.

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