

評分 4.9 (180,787) · 免費 · iOS SoundHound makes it simple to identify music playing around you. Whether you're in the car or out and about — open the app, hit the big orange SoundHound button ...

Identify songs and play music with the SoundHound app

Identify songs playing around you! Get artist and album information, listen to your favorite tracks, and get karaoke-style song lyrics in real-time.

SoundHound - Music Discovery

評分 4.2 (928,986) · 免費 · Android SoundHound makes it simple to discover music playing around you. It doesn't matter if you're at home, in your car, or anywhere else.


Play SoundHound on SoundCloud and discover followers on SoundCloud | Stream tracks, albums, playlists on desktop and mobile.

YouTube 歌曲搜尋功能來了!哼歌辨識歌曲更簡單,告別Shazam

在過去,我們可能會透過「Shazam」或「SoundHound」之類的哼歌辨識歌曲軟體協助,現在可以更簡單了:YouTube 內建支援這項功能。 享受零廣告YouTube Premium: ...

SoundHound Inc.

SoundHound は、2005年にスタンフォード大学の卒業生が中心となって設立され、人の脳のように自然に的確に音を認識することを目標に、音楽・音声認識技術の開発に特化し、 ...


我们的音乐识别软件SoundHound,将我们的技术延展到音乐当中,人们可以用Soundhound听歌识曲,发现和分享身边的好音乐,还可以通过哼唱来搜索音乐。 通过Houndify语音平台和 ...

SoundHound AI | Technology for a voice

Voice AI Agents for restaurants, auto, retail, finance, and more! Powered by SoundHound AI conversational intelligence and agentic solutions. Soundhound music · SoundHound Chat AI · SoundHound AI projects... · About

SoundHound Music App

Discover and play your favorite songs by simply humming or singing. Sing along, get recommendations, and add to your playlists by just using your voice.


評分4.9(180,787)·免費·iOSSoundHoundmakesitsimpletoidentifymusicplayingaroundyou.Whetheryou'reinthecaroroutandabout—opentheapp,hitthebigorangeSoundHoundbutton ...,Identifysongsplayingaroundyou!Getartistandalbuminformation,listentoyourfavoritetracks,andgetkaraoke-stylesonglyricsinreal-time.,評分4.2(928,986)·免費·AndroidSoundHoundmakesitsimpletodiscovermusicplayingaroundyou.Itdoesn'tmatterifyou'r...

MediaHuman Lyrics Finder 1.5.6 歌曲歌詞搜尋工具

MediaHuman Lyrics Finder 1.5.6 歌曲歌詞搜尋工具
