
SourceMod: Half

SourceMod (SM) is an HL2 mod which allows you to write modifications for Half-Life 2 with the Small scripting language.

[Req]Sourcemod snapshot 3716 Windows

Hi, I'm having huge troubles with MGEMod, which appears to be related to the recent sourcemod snapshots according to some sources.

bcservsourcemod-updater: Updates or installs sourcemod

Installs/updates stable releases or snapshots; Custom files and plugins won't get overwritten (except you modified core files); Configuration will not be ...

Make StringMap Snapshot enumerator go in filling order · Issue #1180

Currently StringMap snapshot items are enumerated in hash order. It is inconvenient when you may want to extract all the data in the same ...

Sourceware project source and documentation snapshots

Sourceware projects source and documentation snapshots. ... Sourceware Snapshots. Snapshots of Sourceware projects. [ICO], Name · Last modified · Size · [DIR] ...

Index of downloadsPluginsSourceModsnapshots

Index of /downloads/Plugins/SourceMod/snapshots ; [ ], sourcemod-1.5.4-hg4030-mac.zip, 2014-04-11 15:59, 8.1M.

Snapshots - Metamod

Metamod:Source uses rolling releases, and updates are continuous. Updates to stable versions of MM:S are small and non-disruptive. It is generally recommended ...

Automated Snapshots

Automated Snapshots. SourceMod has automated builds which occur every time the source tree changes. You can view the snapshot progress on the waterfall page.

Downloads - SourceMod: Half

SourceMod (SM) is an HL2 mod which allows you to write modifications for Half-Life 2 with the Small scripting language. To view the SourceMod License · Dev Builds · Latest 20 Builds from 1.11...


SourceMod(SM)isanHL2modwhichallowsyoutowritemodificationsforHalf-Life2withtheSmallscriptinglanguage.,Hi,I'mhavinghugetroubleswithMGEMod,whichappearstoberelatedtotherecentsourcemodsnapshotsaccordingtosomesources.,Installs/updatesstablereleasesorsnapshots;Customfilesandpluginswon'tgetoverwritten(exceptyoumodifiedcorefiles);Configurationwillnotbe ...,CurrentlyStringMapsnapshotitemsareenumeratedin...