The Speech Engine



Create Google Speech Engine

Creates a speech engine using Google Cloud's Speech to Text and Text to Speech speech recognition and synthesis service from a specified language and voice.


Live Transcribe is an Android application that provides real-time captioning for people who are deaf or hard of hearing. This repository contains the Android ...

OpenAI Text To Speech

Discover the future of digital communication with our cutting-edge Text To Speech OpenAI technology. Our advanced Voice Engine transforms text into ... Sign In · History · Story Maker Story Maker · API

Speech Engine on Steam

SpeechEngine is a cutting-edge text-to-speech software that revolutionizes the way you experience the world of spoken words.

Speech Recognition & Synthesis

評分 4.0 (3,948,753) · 免費 · Android The Speech Recognition and Synthesis from Google app not only provides text-to-speech but also empowers applications with speech-to-text functionality to ...

Speech-to-Text AI

Turn speech into text using Google AI. Convert audio into text transcriptions and integrate speech recognition into applications with easy-to-use APIs. Speech-to-Text request... · Speech-to-Text pricing · Speech-to-Text On-Prem

Text to speech

The Speech API provides support for realtime audio streaming using chunk transfer encoding. This means the audio can be played before the full file is generated ...

Text-to-Speech AI: Lifelike Speech Synthesis

Turn text into natural-sounding speech in 220+ voices across 40+ languages and variants with an API powered by Google's machine learning technology.

Text-to-speech output

Open your device Settings . Select Accessibility and then Text-to-speech output. Choose your preferred engine, language, speech rate, and pitch.

建立Google 語音引擎

建立Google 語音引擎. 使用Google Cloud 的Speech-to-Text 和Text-to-Speech 語音服務,從特定語言和語音建立語音引擎。 從IBM RPA 23.0.3開始,已從產品中移除此指令。


CreatesaspeechengineusingGoogleCloud'sSpeechtoTextandTexttoSpeechspeechrecognitionandsynthesisservicefromaspecifiedlanguageandvoice.,LiveTranscribeisanAndroidapplicationthatprovidesreal-timecaptioningforpeoplewhoaredeaforhardofhearing.ThisrepositorycontainstheAndroid ...,Discoverthefutureofdigitalcommunicationwithourcutting-edgeTextToSpeechOpenAItechnology.OuradvancedVoiceEnginetransformstexti...

17 個可以將文字檔轉 mp3 語音的工具懶人包

17 個可以將文字檔轉 mp3 語音的工具懶人包
