Forget the GUI,Usingpipinstall--userspeedtest-cligetsyouaversionthatisprobablynewerthantheoneavailablefromyourdistribution'srepositories.,speedtest-...。參考影片的文章的如下:


speedtest-cli 2.1.3-9 (any)

Architecture: any. Repository: Extra. Description: Command line interface for testing internet bandwidth using

How to check Internet Speed via Terminal?

Using pip install --user speedtest-cli gets you a version that is probably newer than the one available from your distribution's repositories.


speedtest-cli 指令是一個可以在終端機中直接測試網路速度的小工具,他本身是一個用Python 寫成的指令稿,使用 的伺服器來做網路速度測試,可以 ...

sivelspeedtest-cli: Command line interface for testing ...

Command line interface for testing internet bandwidth using License: Apache-2.0 license. 13.7k stars. 1.9k forks.

Install speedtest cli by Ookla on Linux | Snap Store

speedtest is an application that measures the latency, jitter, packet loss, download bandwidth, and upload bandwidth of the network connection ...

Measuring Internet Speed On Linux With Speedtest CLI

Speedtest CLI is a command line application that allows you to run Internet speed tests using the servers. This allows Linux users ...

How to Test Internet Speed from the Command Line on Linux

1) Open a new terminal window (on most Linux distributions you can do this quickly by pressing the ctrl + alt + t keys) · 2) In the terminal ...

Internet speed test for the command line

Built for software developers, system administrators and computer enthusiasts alike, Speedtest CLI is the first official Linux-native Speedtest application ...

How to Check Internet Speed in Linux Using Speedtest CLI

Speedtest CLI is a command-line utility to measure your Internet download and upload speed, latency, and packet loss from the Linux ...

linux 教學- speedtest-cli - 使用command line 測試網路速度

熱愛Python 以及Linux, 希望透過寫程式為社會貢獻,喜歡拍程式教學影片幫助想學習的人。

speedtestclilinux,Usingpipinstall--userspeedtest-cligetsyouaversionthatisprobablynewerthantheoneavailablefromyourdistribution'srepositories.,speedtest-cli指令是一個可以在終端機中直接測試網路速度的小工具,他本身是一個用Python寫成的指令稿,使用Speedtest.net的伺服器來做網路速度測試,可以 ...,Commandline...