Speedtest App Fix Error test failed to complete please check ...

Whyaremyspeedssoslow?Whydoesthedownloadtestwork,butnottheuploadtest?WhyamIseeingLatencyTestError?,2023年10月8日—DOWNLOADTESTERROR.Asocketerroroccurredduringthedownloadtest.Afirewallcouldbeblockingtheconnectionortheservermightbe ...,2022年8月13日—...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Connection Problems

Why are my speeds so slow? Why does the download test work, but not the upload test? Why am I seeing Latency Test Error?

Constant internet drop out, speed test failing

2023年10月8日 — DOWNLOAD TEST ERROR. A socket error occurred during the download test. A firewall could be blocking the connection or the server might be ...

How to fix A Socket Error Occurred during the Upload Test

2022年8月13日 — How to Solve A Socket Error Occurred during the Upload Test. Method 1: Add Exceptions in Antivirus. Applications like Comodo, Kaspersky, Avast ...

How to Fix Socket Error Occurred on SpeedTest

Method 1: Enabling Connected Device Platform rule in Windows Firewall. As it turns out, the 'socket error' when running an Internet speed test with your browser ...

How to Fix

2023年7月10日 — Fix 1: Enable Connected Devices Platform · Fix 2: Pause OneDrive Syncing · Fix 3: Add an Exception for SpeedTest in Your Antivirus · Fix 4: Disable ...

Solved: Speedtest Issues

2019年12月7日 — The error says that, A socket error occurred during the download test. A firewall could be blocking the connection of the server might be ...

Speedtest.net Errors

Why does the download test work, but not the upload test? How do I correct my location? How do I correct the times of my test results? FEEDBACK HOST ...

strange behavior when using speedtest.net

2023年4月8日 — Download Test Error -- A socket error occurred during the upload test. A firewall could be blocking the connection or the server might be ...

Why does the download test work, but not the upload test?

2019年11月22日 — Why are my Speedtest results not showing up? Why are my speeds so slow? Why am I seeing Latency Test Error? How do I clear my browser ...


Whyaremyspeedssoslow?Whydoesthedownloadtestwork,butnottheuploadtest?WhyamIseeingLatencyTestError?,2023年10月8日—DOWNLOADTESTERROR.Asocketerroroccurredduringthedownloadtest.Afirewallcouldbeblockingtheconnectionortheservermightbe ...,2022年8月13日—HowtoSolveASocketErrorOccurredduringtheUploadTest.Method1:AddExceptionsinAntivirus.ApplicationslikeComodo,Kaspersky,Avast ...,Method1:EnablingConnecte...