Basics of Sphero Bolt Tutorial 1



Coding Robots for Kids & Teens

Create a powerful learning environment in your home or classroom with Sphero robots. Made for kids of all ages & skill levels.

Coding Robots for Kids & Teens 4

Trusted by more than 40000 teachers, Sphero's coding robots are unique tools to help teach computer science, STEM, and more. Find one today!

Programming with Sphero Edu

You can code Sphero robots in 3 different ways using the Sphero Edu app: Draw Programming: This simpler method of programming is intended for grades PK-2, ...

RVR+ Programmable Robot for Teens

PAIR PROGRAMMING WITH 2:1 RATIO: 1 RVR+ supports 1–2 learners, emphasizing pair programming and collaborative learning. GO-ANYWHERE, DO-ANYTHING ...


Sphero transforms the way kids PK–12 learn with a fun, comprehensive approach to STEAM (that's STEM + Art) and computer science. Our coding robots, design-and- ...

Sphero Computer Science Foundations Course 2

Students will demonstrate a mastery of block programming by manipulating sensors, loops, conditionals, variables, and functions. They will also understand block ...

Sphero Edu API — SpheroV2 0.12 documentation

This wiki is a guide to learn how to program Sphero robots with Python. You will need a Sphero robot, a Python 3 environment, and a hunger to learn. Hello ...

Sphero Education

We offer coding robots and STEAM (STEM + Art) educational tools that transform the way kids and teens learn, create, and invent through coding, science, ...


CreateapowerfullearningenvironmentinyourhomeorclassroomwithSpherorobots.Madeforkidsofallages&skilllevels.,Trustedbymorethan40000teachers,Sphero'scodingrobotsareuniquetoolstohelpteachcomputerscience,STEM,andmore.Findonetoday!,YoucancodeSpherorobotsin3differentwaysusingtheSpheroEduapp:DrawProgramming:ThissimplermethodofprogrammingisintendedforgradesPK-2, ...,PAIRPROGRAMMINGWITH2:1RATIO:1RVR+...