Snap Co-Founder & CEO Evan Spiegel Opening ...

EvanThomasSpiegel(bornJune4,1990)isanAmericanbusinessman,co-founderandCEOofSnapInc.Spiegelwastheyoungestbillionaireintheworldin ...,Mr.Spiegelisourco-founderandhasservedasourChiefExecutiveOfficerandamemberofourboardofdirectorssinceMay2012.Mr.Spie...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Evan Spiegel

Evan Thomas Spiegel (born June 4, 1990) is an American businessman, co-founder and CEO of Snap Inc. Spiegel was the youngest billionaire in the world in ...


Mr. Spiegel is our co-founder and has served as our Chief Executive Officer and a member of our board of directors since May 2012. Mr. Spiegel holds a B.S. ...

Snap 首席執行官埃文·斯皮格爾:“Snapchat 與社交媒體不同”

2024年2月8日 — “Snapchat 不同於社交媒體。我認爲人們現在對社交媒體感到非常疲勞。感覺就像一場人氣競賽。有很多有害內容,人們擔心會產生負面影響,” Spiegel說。

Evan Spiegel (@evanspiegel) X

Live capture with Snapchat/Lens Studio & its full-body tracking. Go ninja go!

Evan Spiegel Says 'Social Media Is Dead' in Leaked Memo

2024年1月9日 — Evan Spiegel told Snap employees this week they work for a rare social-media platform that makes people happy..

Snapchat 共同創辦人Evan Spiegel:人生是不公平的

2013年12月3日 — SnapChat 創辦人Evan Spiegel:「我是一個年輕、受過教育的白人。我非常非常的幸運。而人生是不公平的。因此,如果人生是不公平的——它就與工作努力 ...

of Snapchat billionaire Evan Spiegel, from his privileged ...

2023年12月14日 — In 2015, Spiegel became one of the youngest billionaires in the world – just four years after launching Snapchat. Between 2021 and 2022 though, ...


伊萬·湯瑪斯·斯皮格(英語:Evan Thomas Spiegel,1990年6月4日—)是美國猶太人網際網路創業家。他與鮑比·墨菲聯合創辦了移動應用Snapchat和色拉布公司。


EvanThomasSpiegel(bornJune4,1990)isanAmericanbusinessman,co-founderandCEOofSnapInc.Spiegelwastheyoungestbillionaireintheworldin ...,Mr.Spiegelisourco-founderandhasservedasourChiefExecutiveOfficerandamemberofourboardofdirectorssinceMay2012.Mr.SpiegelholdsaB.S. ...,2024年2月8日—“Snapchat不同於社交媒體。我認爲人們現在對社交媒體感到非常疲勞。感覺就像一場人氣競賽。有很多有害內容,人們擔心會產生負面...