Run-ons and comma splices | Syntax

ajoinbetweentwopiecesofsomethingsothattheyformonelongpiece.拼接處;黏接處;絞接處(TranslationofsplicefromtheCambridgeEnglish-Chinese( ...,tojointheendsofsomethingsothattheybecomeonepiece:Scientistssplicegenestoproducetheprotein.,1.tojoinropes,wir...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Translation of splice – English

a join between two pieces of something so that they form one long piece. 拼接處;黏接處;絞接處 (Translation of splice from the Cambridge English-Chinese ( ...

SPLICE | English meaning

to join the ends of something so that they become one piece: Scientists splice genes to produce the protein.

Splice Definition & Meaning

1. to join ropes, wires, etc., by weaving or twisting them together 2. to join (pieces of film, magnetic tape, etc.) by connecting their ends together.

SPLICE definition and meaning

splice · 1. to join (two ropes) by intertwining the strands · 2. to join up the trimmed ends of (two pieces of wire, film, magnetic tape, etc) with solder or an ...

SPLICE Definition & Meaning

verb (used with object) · to join together or unite (two ropes or parts of a rope) by the interweaving of strands. · to unite (timbers, spars, or the like) by ...

Splice Definition & Meaning - Merriam

The meaning of SPLICE is to unite (two ropes or two parts of a rope) by interweaving the strands. How to use splice in a sentence.

splice, n. meanings, etymology and more

There are five meanings listed in OED's entry for the noun splice. See 'Meaning & use' for definitions, usage, and quotation evidence.

splice verb

splice something (together) to join the ends of two pieces of film, tape, etc. by sticking them together.


splice · 1. to join together or unite (rope) by the interweaving of strands. · 2. to unite (timbers, spars, or the like) by overlapping and binding their ends.

Splice - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms

As noun and verb, splice refers to the overlapping or interweaving of two ends of something to create the strongest possible attachment.


ajoinbetweentwopiecesofsomethingsothattheyformonelongpiece.拼接處;黏接處;絞接處(TranslationofsplicefromtheCambridgeEnglish-Chinese( ...,tojointheendsofsomethingsothattheybecomeonepiece:Scientistssplicegenestoproducetheprotein.,1.tojoinropes,wires,etc.,byweavingortwistingthemtogether2.tojoin(piecesoffilm,magnetictape,etc.)byconnectingtheirendstogether.,splice·1.tojoin(tworopes)byintertwiningt...
