Shazam VS. SoundHound

YoushouldbeabletoaddsongsindividuallybyvisitingatrackpageinyoursearchhistoryintheSoundhoundapp,andtappingthegreySpotify ...,TheabilitytoaddsongstoyourSpotifyplaylistisstillanoptioninSoundHound.Therewasrecentlyanissuebutithassincebeenresolved.,Sou...。參考影片的文章的如下:



You should be able to add songs individually by visiting a track page in your search history in the Soundhound app, and tapping the grey Spotify ...


The ability to add songs to your Spotify playlist is still an option in SoundHound. There was recently an issue but it has since been resolved.


SoundHound is connected to my Spotify account. But the songs are not added to the playlist. Whether I use the automatic function or add it ...

SoundHound - playlist by 1263536262

Playlist · SoundHound · 560 items · 325 saves.


Public Playlists · eclectic disco monday morning · Funk · NuDisco · 2025 Finds · Lighter Prog · Downtempo Organic · Analog · Hypnotica likes. World-Infused ...

Adding Songs To Your Spotify Playlist

SoundHound has teamed up with Spotify to make it easy for you to create a playlist of songs you've identified. Now with Hey SoundHound, ...

Building A SoundHound Playlist In Spotify

We've teamed up with Spotify to make it easy for you to build a playlist of songs you've identified using SoundHound.

Use Spotify for free through the Soundhound app.

75K likes, 4471 comments - rebekkahfinds on July 10, 2024: Soundhound: - Use Spotify for free through the Soundhound app.

[請問] Soundhound 直接轉spotify - 看板ask

我是使用蘋果手機有下載soundhound跟spotify兩個軟體很久以前soundhound跳出訊息問我要不要搜尋到的歌曲直接幫我在spotify建立一個歌單所以我現在就用 ...

Solved: Play SoundHound on Spotify

How to Play SoundHound Songs on Spotify · 1. Search for a song and visit the track page on SoundHound. · 2. Tap the three dots at the middle ...


YoushouldbeabletoaddsongsindividuallybyvisitingatrackpageinyoursearchhistoryintheSoundhoundapp,andtappingthegreySpotify ...,TheabilitytoaddsongstoyourSpotifyplaylistisstillanoptioninSoundHound.Therewasrecentlyanissuebutithassincebeenresolved.,SoundHoundisconnectedtomySpotifyaccount.Butthesongsarenotaddedtotheplaylist.WhetherIusetheautomaticfunctionoraddit ...,Playlist·SoundHound·560items·325sa...

Spotify 終於可以顯示歌詞,教你如何啟用

Spotify 終於可以顯示歌詞,教你如何啟用
