DevOps & SysAdmins: VMware Fusion

Turnoffmoverlogging.It'sfillingyourlogmakingitunreadable.·Updateallyourplugins.Manyareoutofdate.·RemoveNerdPackandinstall ...,TryrestartingNFSfirstontheserverandthenontheclients.Thismayclearthefilehandles.RebootingNFSserverswithfilesopenedfrom .....。參考影片的文章的如下:


Stale NFS file handle, tried a bunch of fixes with no luck

Turn off mover logging. It's filling your log making it unreadable. · Update all your plugins. Many are out of date. · Remove NerdPack and install ...

Stale NFS file handle after reboot - linux networking

Try restarting NFS first on the server and then on the clients. This may clear the file handles. Rebooting NFS servers with files opened from ...

mount.nfs: Stale file handle error

Stale file handle error means that the NFS server holds an old version of the files in his export path. An NFS server restart can sometimes help ...

Automatically Resolve NFS Stale File Handle Errors

How to automatically fix NFS stale file handle errors. A guide to equipping your NFS clients to recover automatically from stale filehandle ...

[SOLVED] Stale NFS file handle

The fix literally was to reboot the Centos 6 box, AND then do a service nfs restart and that fixed Centos 7 NFS clients.

How do I forcibly unmount when I'm getting stale nfs file handles?

Got into a similar situation, and could reproduce it easily: just remove the rw branch of the AUFS filesystem, and boom, the AUFS mountpoint is ...

How do I fix the root cause of a stale NFS file handle?

with respect to NFS protocol, Stale file handle means that the filehandle that client is referring is no longer a valid one on NFS server.

How can I resolve a stale nfs handle?

On Debian Squeeze/Wheezy: Force unmount the local mount umount -f /mnt/dir. Then restart nfs /etc/init.d/nfs-common restart.

Resolving Stale File Handle Error on Linux Systems (KBA1037)

Resolution · Ensure no processes are accessing the mount point(s) by using lsof and searching the stale mount point: · Check what the PID is doing ...

Fix Assurance Backup NFS Stale File Handle Error

Solution. 1.- Remove the NFS settings to delete the NFS from the system. Navigate to Cisco DNA Center Menu > Settings > Backup & Restore > ...


Turnoffmoverlogging.It'sfillingyourlogmakingitunreadable.·Updateallyourplugins.Manyareoutofdate.·RemoveNerdPackandinstall ...,TryrestartingNFSfirstontheserverandthenontheclients.Thismayclearthefilehandles.RebootingNFSserverswithfilesopenedfrom ...,StalefilehandleerrormeansthattheNFSserverholdsanoldversionofthefilesinhisexportpath.AnNFSserverrestartcansometimeshelp ...,HowtoautomaticallyfixNFSs...