Relaxing Stretching Workout for Stiff Muscles & Stress Relief

評分4.6(10)·免費·WindowsStretchlyisacross-platformopensourceappthatremindsyoutotakebreakswhenworkingonyourcomputer.Stretchlyitselflivesinyourtray, ...,Stretchlyisacross-platformElectronappthatremindsyoutotakebreakswhenworkingonyourcomputer.,Thebr...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Stretchly - 在Windows 上免費下載並安裝

評分 4.6 (10) · 免費 · Windows Stretchly is a cross-platform open source app that reminds you to take breaks when working on your computer. Stretchly itself lives in your tray, ...

hovancikstretchly: The break time reminder app

Stretchly is a cross-platform Electron app that reminds you to take breaks when working on your computer.

Releases · hovancikstretchly

The break time reminder app. Contribute to hovancik/stretchly development by creating an account on GitHub.

Stretchly - The break time reminder app

Stretchly is a cross-platform open source app that reminds you to take breaks when working on your computer.

Stretchly download

Stretchly is a cross-platform open-source app that reminds you to take breaks when working on your computer.


Stretchly, free and safe download. Stretchly latest version: Time management tool for PC. Stretchly is a free and open-source program that was created.

Stretchly Windows 版

Stretchly 是一个免费的开源程序,由名为 Jan Hovancik的独立开发者为PC创建 .这个 实用工具 帮助用户 管理他们的时间 更好地与 战略性安排的休息时间 全天。它旨在 提高 ...

Stretchly 過度專注電腦工作者的休息提醒軟體,免費跨平台

今天要跟大家介紹的,是一款可以在Windows 或Mac 等平台上安裝使用,免費開源的休息時間提醒軟體:「 stretchly 」,這個單字是伸展的意思,也就是希望過度專注 ...


評分4.6(10)·免費·WindowsStretchlyisacross-platformopensourceappthatremindsyoutotakebreakswhenworkingonyourcomputer.Stretchlyitselflivesinyourtray, ...,Stretchlyisacross-platformElectronappthatremindsyoutotakebreakswhenworkingonyourcomputer.,Thebreaktimereminderapp.Contributetohovancik/stretchlydevelopmentbycreatinganaccountonGitHub.,Stretchlyisacross-platformopensourceappthatremindsyoutotakebr...