sublime reindent
sublime reindent

“Reindent”doesnotworkcorrectlyifyouhave4spaceindentationandhaveinconsistentlines…Ifyouhaveaninconsistantxmltextlike ...,SSCEnterselectedCascurrentsyntax.CTRLAtoselectallcode.CTRLSHIFTPtoopenCommandpaletteagain.reinEntertoissuethereindentcommand.,...

Reindent on save


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Reindent does not work correctly if you have 4 space indentation ...

“Reindent” does not work correctly if you have 4 space indentation and have inconsistent lines… If you have an inconsistant xml text like ...

ReformatReindent Code (Plain Text)

S S C Enter selected C as current syntax. CTRL A to select all code. CTRL SHIFT P to open Command palette again. r e i n Enter to issue the reindent command.

Reindent doesnt work - Technical Support

Hello i want to reindent my code, but it doesnt work. I try: Edit Line Reindent and strg+k Anyone an idea?

kamilkpSublime-Text-ReIndent: Quickly re-indent file to two ...

Quickly re-indent file to two or four spaces tabsize. It basically performs: View > Indentation > Convert Indentation to Tabs; View > Indentation > Tab ...

Reindent on save

This is simple plugin to call reindent each time you save your file. What you should be aware is that sublime's reindent is not perfect.

sublimetext3 - reindent shortcut in Sublime

I tried to set the shortcut of Reindent in Sublime using the following approach: { keys: [ctrl+alt+i], command: reindent, ...

reindent shortcut in sublime text [duplicate]

You can find it in Edit>>Line>>Reindent , but it does not have a shortcut by default. You can add a shortcut by going to the menu ...

How to define shortcut key for Reindent on sublimetext 3

Here is how you can add this shortcut in Sublime: Go to Preferences > Key Bindings-User. Add the below key value pairs to the existing JSON ...

[ Sublime Text ] [ 教學] 如何在Sublime Text 3 格式化程式碼(格式化 ...

例如萊德我想要將 Reindent 的熱鍵組合設定為 Ctrl+ Shift + R ,只要在右邊原本空白的keymap-User 區塊加入以下指令,就能在Sublime Text 3 中使用此 ...

Sublime Text自带的代码格式化(Reindent)功能

Sublime Text自带的代码格式化(Reindent)功能. 使用Edit -> Line -> Reindent可以格式化代码。无需选中代码,它是对全文所有的内容进行格式化。 ... Sublime ...


“Reindent”doesnotworkcorrectlyifyouhave4spaceindentationandhaveinconsistentlines…Ifyouhaveaninconsistantxmltextlike ...,SSCEnterselectedCascurrentsyntax.CTRLAtoselectallcode.CTRLSHIFTPtoopenCommandpaletteagain.reinEntertoissuethereindentcommand.,Helloiwanttoreindentmycode,butitdoesntwork.Itry:EditLineReindentandstrg+kAnyoneanidea?,Quicklyre-indentfiletotwoorfourspacestabsize.Itbasicallyperform...