Thismightbeasillyquestion,butdidyoumakesureyouhaveselectedthecorrectsyntax?Sometimessublimesniffsthesyntaxincorrectlyand ...,Hi,I'mnewtoSublimesoaco-workerhelpedmegetsetup.NowIgetamessageeverytimeIopenit.IalsogetanerrorwhenItrytorun ...,Didyouins...。參考影片的文章的如下:


HTML-CSS-JS-Prettify issues - General Discussion

This might be a silly question, but did you make sure you have selected the correct syntax? Some times sublime sniffs the syntax incorrectly and ...

HTMLPrettify error when I open Sublime

Hi, I'm new to Sublime so a co-worker helped me get setup. Now I get a message every time I open it. I also get an error when I try to run ...

HTMLCSSJS Prettify - Not working

Did you install node.js? This package requires it. If you have, then you will have to put it in your path if it has not done so automatically.

Html prettify plugin stopped working

I was using HTMLPrettify plugin just fine, all of a sadden it has stopped working, I am getting an error message Node.js was not found, ...

使用html prettify 时总是报以下错误

使用html prettify 时总是报以下错误 · 1.该款插件需要node.js的支持,所以请先自行安装node.js. · 2.对于格式化json,需要先手动格式一下段内容再按快捷键,则 ...

HTML-CSS-JS Prettify Plugin - General Discussion

I have the short solution for this problem, just add a few code into Setting of HTML-CSS-JS Prettify Plugin. This's my way.

A runtime error was encountered in the prettifier · Issue #553

In the meantime, you can update manually: Make sure you remove the package control ...

Prettifier not working · Issue #619 · victorporofSublime

A temporary solution:Go to the sublime packages folder, then go to HTML-CSS-JS Prettify. Finaly run npm install core-js in the current folder.

Why is Sublime HTML Prettify not working

Which version of Sublime Text you are using? and in which OS you have installed it? For your tag I supposed Sublime Text 2.

Sublime Snippet Not Working

Try to unzip the default HTML.sublime-package, change something in snippet, place it in User or User/HTML folder and try to call. Also try to restart ST3.


Thismightbeasillyquestion,butdidyoumakesureyouhaveselectedthecorrectsyntax?Sometimessublimesniffsthesyntaxincorrectlyand ...,Hi,I'mnewtoSublimesoaco-workerhelpedmegetsetup.NowIgetamessageeverytimeIopenit.IalsogetanerrorwhenItrytorun ...,Didyouinstallnode.js?Thispackagerequiresit.Ifyouhave,thenyouwillhavetoputitinyourpathifithasnotdonesoautomatically.,IwasusingHTMLPrettifypluginjustfine,allofas...