
How to Install Packages in Sublime Text 3

Open the Command Palette: Press Ctrl+Shift+P (Windows) or Cmd+Shift+P (OS X). Type 'install' in the Command Palette input box, which should ...

Sublime Text | CommandBox

Just type cmd-shift-p / ctrl-shift-p to bring up the command palette and pick Package Control: Install Package from the dropdown, search and select the CommandBox package there and you're all set.

Package Control in Sublime Text 3

Start the program Applications > Utilities > Terminal · Type cd and a space in the Terminal window · Switch to Sublime Text and select Preferences ...

Install package manually - General Discussion

To install the package manually, do this in a terminal: $ cd $APPDATA/Sublime Text 3/Packages # windows, not entirely sure if I have this correct.

SublimeText 4 Install Package not showing the menu

Open the Command Palette using shift+command+p (OS X) or by selecting Tools > Command Palette from the menu bar; · Find and select the command ...

Installing the Best Packages for Sublime Text 3

Next, hit cmd+shift+p on OSX to bring up the command palette. Type in install package and you will see the option install package control.


Open the command palette. Win/Linux: ctrl+shift+p , Mac: cmd+shift+p · Type Install Package Control, press enter ...

Sublime Package Control Shortcut in Windows

On my Mac I can open up the Sublime Text 3 package explorer using Cmd+Shift+P. How can I do this on my windows machine? ctrl+Shift+P doesn't ...

Sublime text editor: Change plugin hotkey?

You can open Packages list by pressing Cmd-Shift-P (on Windows should be Ctrl-Shift-P ), choosing Package Control: list packages then select the package you ...

sublime text 3-1.

安裝套件 打開命令列(按快捷鍵ctrl+shift+p。從選單的Tools > Command Palette。),輸入install,找到Package Control: Install Package,然後按下Enter鍵。接著輸入 ...


OpentheCommandPalette:PressCtrl+Shift+P(Windows)orCmd+Shift+P(OSX).Type'install'intheCommandPaletteinputbox,whichshould ...,Justtypecmd-shift-p/ctrl-shift-ptobringupthecommandpaletteandpickPackageControl:InstallPackagefromthedropdown,searchandselecttheCommandBoxpackagethereandyou'reallset.,StarttheprogramApplications>Utilities>Terminal·TypecdandaspaceintheTerminalwindow·SwitchtoSublimeTe...